on #56, can you work with this image some? We are now considering it as well, and would like to see you try a few different things. Could you move the image to the left (as opposed to over the text), and make the "G" a bit more obvious? Maybe would like to see a second "f" on this as well.
We would like to see some revisions from you at your earliest convenience. See notes above.
Entry #55: might like to see the color scheme of #41 with this simpler image. Also play around with the olive branch 'f's...maybe one could be a shadow of the other, instead of two separate branches?
Right now our team is vacillating between the dove design of #41 and #117. Some of us feel like the #117 doesn't look as much like a dove, but more like a different type of bird - duck, etc. We think that perhaps if you change the direction of the wing of #116 that it could look more like a dove.
We all like the newest versions of the olive branches in #116, #117 best.
The final request we have is to see a few other color combinations. While we like many of the combinations you have come up with, we are a concerned that having a neutral or lighter color for the main text "Grace" makes it fade to the background. We'd like it to 'pop' more. What colors would you suggest? We like the depth of color in the eggplant and deep blue and are open to other suggestions.
Hi, thanks for your feedback and suggestions! Pardon it was late at night here in Kuala Lumpur and I had logout after posted my last message, hence couldn't response soonest.. I will work on them now!
We have chosen you as our winner. Congratulations! We do have a few adjustments we'd like to make on our 1st and 2nd place selections before we close the contest.
On entry #117, please remove the orange "tail." Variation 1: Darken the gray on the word "Grace." Variation 2: The blue of #118 for "Grace" and the "G" of the bird. Keep the green for the olive branches and "Family Fellowship" and maybe gray for the bird's head (or other color if you have suggestion)
On entry #132, can you change the color palette to be that of #41? Also we would like the olive branches to be the same as #117.
We appreciate you being willing to work through so many revisions. We know we'll be thrilled with the final result!
I appreciate your constructive feedback and suggestion in making this logo the way it is now as well :)
..so. here is the revisions: #133 - variation 1 for #117 #134, #135 - variation 2 with different color on bird's head #136, #137, #138, #139, #140 - color palette if #41 with variation on olive branches. I have to adjust the position of the branches in this design due to the bird's head position, that's why it doesn't appear like the branches seen in #117..
Thanks again, please let me know if you have other thoughts/suggestions~
#136 is our favorite, but can you use the darker gray from #133 for the word "Grace"? Also, could you move the leaf of the olive branch on the left up a little so it doesn't touch the beak? (Not the whole branch like in #137/#138)
It does help to be able to visualize the minor changes. I see what you mean about the position of the branches being different since the bird's head looks the opposite way.
#139 also looks nice. I didn't see that one when I responded. I like one leaf per branch. Would still want to move the leaf on the left branch up a little, as it nearly touches the beak.