liking 82 alot!.... more shapes if you have..... just want to make sure it will lay out nicely on business cards and labels etc. also... can you thicken/beef up the flower??
I just want to make sure our address and other info will be large enough to read---but also not crash into the H in gotham. Is the type size large enough to read as is??? Do we need to enlarge???
Also, if we end up choosing your design---we might like to use it in both color ways----we would print up a sticker in pink version and a white version for our gift wrap!
The type size will depend on how and what size you're planning to display your logo. If you plan to have it like the way you have it now on your website, the type size will be easy enough to read but, looking at it as is, I'd say it'd be pretty difficult so we may need to adjust.
Anyway, I can provide you with different iterations of the logo (includes the reversed out version) which includes: 1. Just the logo (without the contact info) 2. Logo with just the website address and 3. Logo with the website and contact info so you can use it in different applications.
Do you have a particular size for your sticker? I can send you the actual size of the layout so you can print it and check :)
Hi luigi, We will need the logo with and without contact info. We like the contact info as small and delicate as possible while still readable. let's remove the fax info. don't really need it.
can you give me another font option for contact info? ---plain and clean like the one it's in---but something a little nicer (as the point size gets bigger---i like the font less and less)
Could you also show me the contact info outside the oval in the black area??
I am thinking business card with have black area around it and that our sticker for gift wrap may not---there fore the contact info will need to be inside the oval.
Hi Luigi! might be repeating myself.... Want the address to be there but as insignificant as possible. Don't want it to detract from beautiful Gotham logo. thanks! Suzy