Cordova, We like the smaller drawn out logo. Can you put the cleaner thinner bubba on the entry we have ranked in our top 5. Also, can you give us some different colorf schemes? Can you try to put a white cowboy hat on bubba instead of a truckers hat? Thanks. Your the one everyone agrees on.
Don, there are three of us...good news is that there won't be a tie. Please join the smaller, single line "" that you've got on entry 17 with the shaven and thinner bubba with cap that you've got on entry #7. Thanks for your hard work and creativity. lm
Thanks for the latest feedback. I am away from my design computer today, but I will make the revised logo as soon as I get back. One question, the designs your are reffering to are #17 & #7, #7 is not mine did you mean to type #47?