You (#132) are one of our 4 finalists - sorry we couldn't get feedback to you yesterday; we had a technical issue with LogoTournament that temporarily closed our contest. We have selected the 4 finalists and *scrambled the order* (your placement now is not reflective of any rank).
- we like your choice of typeface
- we like the use of the road sign; fairly unique among entries
- we like your use of our preferred green palette
- you are right: sign definitely gets rid of the "God River" problem - nice solution!
FINAL FEEDBACK (changes that may make your entry stronger):
- Sign should be changed from yellow (usually indicates a *warning*) background to white
- GO + sign could be bigger (closer to the size of "DRIVER"
- Please remove drop shadow and any background shading - background should be white - we understand shadows and background gradients can pump up a logo's look/appeal, but we'd like to evaluate plain
We are asking that you do not submit any NEW designs - please limit any variations on your current design to just one new submission, referencing the feedback we have gathered from amongst ourselves and our two focus groups (driving-age kids and their parents) and your own design sensibilities. We understand designing by committee can often lead to a less-appealing final product; we want to avoid that; but we also want to address major concerns that came up in our feedback tests.
Thank you very much all the effort - we have really enjoyed LogoTournament and have already recommended it to several friends. We will be making our final choice no later than Thursday 1pm New York Time (18:00 GMT).
- the GoDriver Team