Goddess BlossomLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Goddess Blossom

Goddess Blossom has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 161 designs from 23 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
We offer women's circles, feminine power coaching, retreats and tele-seminars to empower women to become passionate goddesses and inspirational leaders.
Service Industries
Color Preferences
Colors that would attract women who want to soften into sacred, delicious feminine power. Purple and gold jump out at me, but Im open to pinks, greens, etc. Use your intuition.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I would like the logo to incorporate a blossoming lotus flower and some sense of radiance. I'm also open to an abstract form of a goddess emerging. Please nothing childish, sexual or complex... I'm going more for elegant, stylized, modern, sensual unfolding. Also, I like rounder, more feminine looking modern fonts.


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Logo Designer
Hi! Here are some hints for getting the most out of your contest as it progresses:

~~ Rank designs daily -- this will encourage participation.
~~ Rank and re-rank a variety of designs to get a variety of new entries.
~~ Ranking gets your contest noticed! Unless your contest is private, 1st place entries are posted to the portfolio page: https://logotournament.com/portfolio
~~ Ranking designs daily will also keep your contest from getting cluttered.
~~ The more feedback you provide, the better results you are going to see.
~~ Designers are not offended by "Not Interested"
~~ Over-use of "Not Interested" discourages participation.
~~ Ranking is a non-monetary means of showing appreciation for designers hard work.
~~ Designers earn points for designs ranked in the top 10. We like to earn points.

~~ NOTE: While in JUDGING mode, the designer ranked in 1st can still submit revisions.

More detailed information on how to get the most out of your contest can be found here:
14 years ago
Entry #2: Hi Jekson. Thanks for submitting. I like how bold the mark is. Suggestions: I desire a font which is much more friendly and inviting. This one looks to formal and intimidating. I looked in your portfolio and was more attracted to fonts featured in the following marks: bronzen, or how the word chiropractic was written for active chiropractic -- basically softer, more round and friendlier and feminine. As far as the image: I don't think having the woman in a bikini is a wise move... actually wondering is she can be less cartoonish and more like a shape or silhouette. Speaking of your previous designs, I kind of like how the lotus is pictured in your bronzen mark with a circle of energy coming out from the blossom... it brings a sense of movement and energy. The way you have that pictured there feels more delicate and feminine than the bold line placed over the top right now. Perhaps you can bring that same quality of movement into the existing circle, or add one below as in the other mark? Just a few thoughts. Thanks!
14 years ago
Entry #1: Hi again Jekson. This image feels a bit incomplete since it just has the leaves and no blossom. I think you are more on track with the entry #3. If you want to make the woman, herself, a blossom, I think that would be another approach, if you want to take this one to the next level. See my comments for #2 for other details. Thank you for taking the time to submit!
14 years ago
p.s. thank you!
14 years ago
ps. Again to everyone... since the feminine is so much about dance and movement, I would prefer a mark which has a stylized shape of an ecstatic female within/with the lotus who is not sitting in meditation. This is is because we do lots of dance and movement and it is all about freeing your passion. Whatever sense of movement and luminescence can be added is great. Thank you so much!
14 years ago
One more note of clarification: I don't seek a complex cartoon character illustration. I am seeking more of a sleek stylized abstract representation which depicts a feminine form and movement and a lotus.
14 years ago
Entry #9: Sgt. John, thanks for jumping into the contest! You are totally on track with the more sleek, stylized 2.0 design. Can I see the glowing swoosh that is currently on the left going straight up like the pistal of a flower, or to the right? I'm also curious what a few subtle sparkles or luminescence on top would do, right above it. Also, just curious if the petals can come across as a little less "sharp"~ a bit more plump and rounded/feminine?
14 years ago
Entry #10: Hi again Sgt. John. I like where you are going with this one, as well, but ranked it after your other because I am not fond of the goddessblossom writing being on one line. I like it better when Goddess is above Blossom. I like your chunkier petals here, and the internal shape is cool, but overall it has less of a sense of motion and luminescence than #9.
14 years ago
Entry #11: I'd rather not have the writing to the side of the image. I like the idea here of the abstract woman blossoming up, but something about it feels too dry and wispy. Possible to see the writing below and to make the edges of the "petals" less sharp?
14 years ago
Entry #8 and #12: Im not fond of the reflection of the writing at bottom. Also not fond of the images since they don't relate so strongly to the brand identity.
14 years ago
Entry #7: Thanks Anna! It looks like you put a LOT of energy into this and I appreciate it. I think something much simplier and more streamlined would be closer to what I seek. Is it possible to have fewer exotic details and make it more abstract? Something more like your figure depicted in your closetraid logo, as a hip silhouette. Also, FYI, this logo seems tailored to caucasian women... I'm hoping for something more stylized and universal.
14 years ago
Entry #18: I like the change in font to upper case and sizing changes. It really makes it pop! I really like the sensuality conveyed by the fatter petals, as opposed to the shapness I feel in the first. Thanks!
14 years ago
Entry #16: Thanks for giving it another go, Jekson! I have to say, I like the simplicity of these new versions better than the first ones. I am not fond of the petals flying away, though, as I am not sure what message that gives in relation to the brand. Can you show me what it would look like without the flying away petals? Maybe adding the sparkles you depicted in Entry #15? I like the ring around the bottom, by the way, since it conveys movement. The shape of the lotus rocks, too. It's fullness and plumpness feels delicious, just like the divine feminine. Also, I like this wine color much better than the orange in Entry #15. Thank you!
14 years ago
Hello amazing designers! I realize that my website is not listed here. Viewing it may help inform your creative work. Check out www.goddessblossom.com What I realize is that even though many of these fantastic logos look great here in an isolated environment, when I actually open the website and imagine each mark on the page, some just are an obvious match and some are not. Please check out the website to get a sense of what will flow... Also, one thing I wanted to mention is that I do idealize being able to create branded material such as little metal necklaces with just the logo on one side as a stand alone abstract art piece and the words on the other side. So designs which are super complex without strong lines will be hard to use for this. Thanks so much for your enthusiasm and patience while the vision continues to clarify.
14 years ago
Entry #20: When I opened my website and held each image up, imagining it stamped on the side, this image surprised me as a strong match as far as shape and lettering. I still have some concerns about what people will think about the inside squiggle line though, as it looks somewhat like a worm or snake and I definately want to covey a bit more opulant feminine beauty than being an actual sprout. I'm not sure what to suggest to take it to the next level... maybe the abstract shape having more abstract female body curves?
14 years ago
Entry #26 and Entry #27. Hi Heru! Beautiful work. Thank you so much for taking the time to enter. I love how fresh and clean these logos are. The only thing giving me hesitation is first, that Goddess isn't written above blossom (for some reason when they are run together it seems like a lot to read) and also that the abstract image isn't strong enough to stand as a stand alone logo stamp. Let me explain what I mean... I really want to be able to create, for example, stamped metal necklaces as a promo item. They are quite small at 3/4 inch. (See one of my colleugues example at http://www.daretoliveyou.com/shop.htm) I am not quite sure how I would translate your logo into this sort of application. Are there any tweaks which you think would help it work? p.s. I am also realizing that the bright colors of the leaves are not warm and sensual enough to match the goddess vibe... perhaps something warmer?
13 years ago
Sgt John: first let me say I am amazed by your tenacity to get this right! Thank you for your efforts. Here are my thoughts regarding your newest logos. Let me preface this by saying, "you were right"! You obviously know what you were doing when you made the first two but I appreciate you making the changes to please me.
Entry #28: Yes, it looks a bit odd going to the right. I am now realizing that in your original #18, it looks more like something emerging up through the center, not going out from it. So you already nailed that one already.
Entry #29: :) I thought it would look more hibiscus like, but actually this one looks more phallic going straight up. Not quite the vibe we seek...
Entry #30 I see where you are going with this... making it more abstract with the open space. Thanks for also showing me what it looks like when made into a stamp! I'm going to sit with this one. For now, I think your concepts are very well represented. It is just going to take some reflection, consideration of other submissions and getting input from friends.
Entry #32 I like how you tweaked the first one. It looks a bit less "sperm-like" (which is what one friend said #20 looked like to her). Let me sit with all of this.
13 years ago
Entry #22, 23, 24, 25, : Hi Loquaz! I appreciate your efforts. First, as you can see from those i have ranked up top, I am not fond of the scripted fonts. They are too flowery and hard to read. Any way to use a font which is more 2.0 feeling? As if to appeal to an x-corporate 30-something woman who wants to soften up, but who is still super hip? In #25 I wish the icon was bigger than the font and I would love to see another option. I am not fond of the tendrils coming out from each side of the blossom, although I get that you are trying to depict the act of blossoming. It would be nice if it was less busy with those and focused on making the single blossom have motion or movement in some way. Hope this helps!
13 years ago
Entry #37: Hummingbird, wow! You really brought a super feminine vibe into the lotus and I like the light bubbles and heart. Can the font be even rounder, like a sans serif instead of a serif? Can the blossom word be a bit smaller than goddess?

I like how you integrated a heart into the other versions of Entry #35 and Entry #36 ... nice touch! The reason I have #36 ranked second is because something about it is a bit less effervescent than #37, which conveys more motion through the sparkles/bubbles. But is is a hard call because I like the heart element...

Entry #34 is gorgeous... the only reason I didn't have it as #1 was because when I held it up against the actual website, it looked slightly more "cartoony" than the others. There is something about #37 and #36 which feels more elegant.

Thanks for your entries!
13 years ago
Hello everyone, for inspiration I am including this link

I love how real the blossom petals are and the light coming from it...

13 years ago
Hi everyone! I don't have time to give extremely detailed feedback for a few hours. Thanks for all the new entries! One thing I want to note in general for everyone is that the logos seem to be getting more washed out with light pink and greys with each round. I think this is because I noted that I wanted it to work with my current website.

The existing site is something I threw together using iweb and is more a representation of one the final one will be. I meant the logo should be compatible with the use of realistic images, photos, etc, not neccesariily with the greys.

I really hope this mark can be vibrant and glowing with life force energy, delicious goddess vibration, while still being compatible with a photo based, realistic website which is not cartoony. I like the rich wine-fuscias and blacks or golds more than light pink and grey... I'm hoping everyone can take it in a more elegant vibrant instead of muted or washed out direction. Thanks!
13 years ago
Entry #37, Entry #62, Entry #55, Entry #60, Entry #79: Beautiful work. Can you show me what these would look like in different color? Something more rich and vibrant in a dark plum/fuscia instead of light pink and black/ or gold instead of light grey. I want the mark to convey the deliciousness of being a woman. I am hoping the colors add vibrance, elegance and realism rather than making it too cartoony. Looking forward to seeing your creative work! Thank you so much!
13 years ago
Entry #55 and Entry #62: Hi Light! I am intrigued by these designs but am hoping you can change the color so they are not light pink and grey. How about a ripe wine color for the parts that are now light pink? I don't like the bright primary yellow used with it in Entry #89... can you redo #55 and #62 to complement a richer red/pink with black or some other darker color? (I felt the pink you used was too much much children or candy feeling). Didn't like the purple in Entry #88. Thanks so much! #55 and #62 all intrigue me but their current colors make them a no go... Thank you!!
13 years ago
Entry #90, Entry #91 and Entry #93: Hummingbird! Amazing. Thank you for so quickly revising your ideas to take my feedback into account. Your new entries are brimming with just the energy I was seeking. really can't think of any additional changes since they look so great. If I can think of anything, I will post it here. Right now, I think now it is narrowing down to just choosing one style from the top 3 designers. Thank you so much for your creativity and beautiful submissions.
13 years ago
Entry #65 and Entry #76: Alexander! It was such a joy to wake up this morning and see your submissions! I love how ripe and juicy the flowers look and the light. You really nailed it on the first couple tries! I can't think of any requested changes at this moment but if I do, I will let you know. Thank you!!
13 years ago
Entry #82: Hi Lass! I like the simplicity of your design. The reason it is ranked behind the others is because it lacks the 3 dimensionality of the other marks, which all have added depth and texture. It is an interesting mark though. Thank you!
13 years ago
Entry #49, Entry #50, Entry #51: Hi Rapunzel. Your marks are very beautiful and interesting. The reason they didn't rank higher on the contest is because 1) the shape of the woman emerging looks a bit too abstract/non-feminine, 2) the logo lacks the texture and three dimensionality which the other ones ranked higher do and 3) the stars look a bit haphazard and not as elegant as other featured are. Thank you!
13 years ago
Entry #46 and Entry #77: Hi Lass! Thanks for your work. As with a few other marks, the reason these didn't rank higher is because the icons lack some of the three-dimensional texturing which some of the higher ranking ones feature. For #46 I am not fond of the bright yellow font or how the writing leans off to the right either. Also, for both, I wish the colors were stronger, per earlier comments. Thanks!
13 years ago
Entry #67 and Entry #68: Hi Farfi! Thank you. I felt these two marks were a bitt too ethereal. I am trying to stay away from the curley, super fine fonts. I liked your blossom ideas, but some of the other ones more fully conveyed the fullness of the divine feminine. Also desiring colors a bit more rich... thank you!
13 years ago
Entry #71, Entry #73, Entry #74: Hi Stormbrigt! Thanks for making all of these. Overall, I felt your marks were a bit too edgey and sharp on edges to represent the soft, voluptuous, juicey feminine essence I am seeking... Thanks for your submissions!
13 years ago
Entry #97 and Entry #98: Hi Light! Wow you move fast. Thank you. 98 is way better and juicier with those vibrant colors! The only thing is that now the word, "blossom" pops more than the word, "goddess" since goddess is lighter in color. I'm curious to see what a version would look like with "goddess" popping more...
#97 looks good... curious what an even darker shade of reddish-wine would look like on this one since the other mark represents vibrant pink well. After seeing the changes I think it is just a matter of polling my clients to see which of the top three designers they like the best. I am super impressed by your work!
13 years ago
Entry #99: Hi Peter. Thanks so much for your entry. I love the fonts you have chosen which are both elegant and bold. I also love that you used richer wines/red as well which add texture and depth. What gives me hesitation on your mark is just that the icon lacks a bit of the softness and ripe voluptuousness of the divine feminine since it has more edges. Also, I would love to see some of the 3-dimensionality and light/luminscence which are in items which I ranked higher. Thanks again for your efforts!
13 years ago
Entry #130 and Entry #132: Thank you so much, Hummingbird and Light! I am so grateful for your extensive revisions. I think now I just need to contemplate your two images and consider which one to choose. They are both fabulous, this is a very hard decision! Thank you to all the designers who put so much effort into this!
13 years ago
Entry #135: Ireally like how you extended the light up. Beautiful!
13 years ago
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