The only thing that keeps this from moving to the front is the realism of the construction image and that it lacks clearly displaying the communication part. Other then that this logo has repeatedly won in surveys.
1. PayCrew a production Communication tool that uses green and red colors to communicate good and bad to the team. 2. Mr.Production a historical database of production accomplishments that can bet queried for use in bidding future construction jobs. 3. Career Path is a daily evaluation of a employee and tracking of their skills and hours in working on them. 4. R.O.O.I. Strategic Planning is a system of setting yearly goals that base decision making on the overhead expenditures and marketing strategies.
If you can come up with something else from this and our site
You have everyones attention with the big circle we have a total of 4 products that are key to our coaching they are,
1. PayCrew a production Communication tool that uses green and red colors to communicate good and bad to the team. 2. Mr.Production a historical database of production accomplishments that can bet queried for use in bidding future construction jobs. 3. Career Path is a daily evaluation of a employee and tracking of their skills and hours in working on them. 4. R.O.O.I. Strategic Planning is a system of setting yearly goals that base decision making on the overhead expenditures and marketing strategies.