Go The Distance ConsultingLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Go The Distance Consulting Go The Distance Consulting has selected their winning logo design. For $275 they received 287 designs from 33 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Annotation Delete We are sorry, but the time to edit this annotation has expired. Save Cancel Logo Design Brief Edit Client wendydarling United States What We Do We are business consultants working with organizations, their CEO’s, Leadership and their teams. Our focus is working with executives and their teams for increased engagement, productivity and profits. This includes exploring performance, innovation, and resilience. Our intention is to position organizations to ‘go the distance’...insuring longevity of the organization. Industry Consulting Color Preferences We encourage you to experiment. We want this to look sophisticated, knowledgeable & trustworthy (blue), Wealth (green), purple (wisdom)...we encourage you to use your creativity. Our Ideas & Additional Information This logo needs to represents a trustworthy, solid consulting firm. Play with different types of fonts, spelling out the whole name of our business; also try GTD Consulting ... (somehow using the first letters...Or larger font for ‘G’ smaller for the o, large T,smaller h and e...these are just thoughts. NO IMAGES OF RUNNERS. Themes SimpleColorfulLuxuryModernRefinedSecure Style Inspiration Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st itok Withdrawn 2nd itok Withdrawn 3rd itok Withdrawn 4th itok Withdrawn 5th itok Withdrawn 6th itok Withdrawn 7th itok Withdrawn New agus Withdrawn New agus Withdrawn New itok Withdrawn New agus Withdrawn New agus Withdrawn New Essendio Withdrawn New ivastres Withdrawn New ivastres Withdrawn New Essendio Withdrawn New Radium Withdrawn New Essendio Withdrawn New Essendio Prefers others. biaggong Prefers others. biaggong Prefers others. najamjawad1 Withdrawn Prefers others. itok Withdrawn Prefers others. itok Withdrawn Prefers others. itok Withdrawn Prefers others. agus Withdrawn Prefers others. agus Withdrawn Prefers others. agus Withdrawn Prefers others. agus Withdrawn Prefers others. agus Withdrawn Prefers others. agus Withdrawn Prefers others. itok Withdrawn Prefers others. agus Withdrawn Prefers others. agus Withdrawn Prefers others. agus Withdrawn Prefers others. agus Withdrawn Prefers others. agus Withdrawn Prefers others. ivastres Withdrawn Prefers others. ivastres Withdrawn Prefers others. rogerson Withdrawn Prefers others. rogerson Withdrawn Prefers others. ivastres Withdrawn Prefers others. ivastres Withdrawn Prefers others. ivastres Withdrawn Prefers others. ivastres Withdrawn Prefers others. rogerson Withdrawn Prefers others. rogerson Withdrawn Prefers others. rogerson Withdrawn Prefers others. rogerson Withdrawn Prefers others. itok Withdrawn Prefers others. itok Withdrawn Prefers others. Xero Withdrawn Prefers others. Xero Withdrawn Prefers others. Xero Withdrawn Prefers others. Xero Withdrawn Prefers others. Xero Withdrawn Prefers others. Xero Withdrawn Prefers others. Xero Withdrawn Prefers others. Xero Withdrawn Prefers others. Xero 1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 5 Next > Discussion Essendio Logo Designer Hi,Just wanted to let you know and warn you about generic overused logos used in this contest.Please check this link: https://logotournament.com/generics?30 6 years ago