We really like the concept of the envelope/cell phone/wireless all together, it's just a bit too large. Make that a bit smaller and maybe play with it to refine it a bit.
Don't like the gray 'go' and 'nudge' needs to be the highlighted word.
Can we see a version without the drop shadow? Not sure how we like that, may be okay but let us see one without that.
Okay, let's do one that has the following elements all combined together: -- the phone in #83, tilted to the right like in #70, -- with the 'O' like in #81 -- the 'go' is green (pick a complimentary color for the arrow). -- Have the 'nudge' bolded and in the dark blue like in #81.
Thanx for the constructive feedback. Here are the revisions of the logo as suggested by you. If you want any other variation/alteration feelfree to ask me, I will be happy to do it for you