I like the #26 with fish inside of O - but seems like outreach comes before Go FISH - could you put it under like on #28 Also please add (') after Fishin' We actually talk about three levels of events - Blue - Purple and Red so the Go Fish being in blue and the outreach in purple kind of follows this - We were hoping to have a two color only design - do you think that if we put the Our mission part in red we could do the color separation thing to only use two colors? I don't know much about this - Or maybe even have the Go FISH go from blue on top to redder on the bottom? Just brainstorming
Wow - I really like these new ones! Especially #64 and the colors on 61 - It seems to have too much space on top of the words though - could you fill the space more with Go FISH? Also see how the colors on #58 are deeper - I like those purples and teals best The hook could even become part of the outside circle or could even pull the "o" out side of the circle or oval Thanks