we see your design rather late in the process but liked how you presented #88. Could you try to vary a bit on this theme with a more web2.0 look as can be observed in many of the other designs in the contest.
I was wondering if you could try combining some of your design elements from your previous entries. Keeping in the style of entry #142, could you try some different graphics above the G in Global. Or try to play with the globe with arches you created in entry #94.
Congratulations, after a difficult decision making process we decided on that you are the winner of the contest. Regarding the file we wonder whether you could deliver: - the logo as ranked number 1 in eps - a grey scaled version - a white version (that can be placed on a dark background) - a colored version with only the characteristic "G" of GlobalSource (with the wifi), which might be used for features like profile pictures - the layered raw file (photoshop file or whether program your use) - the font type you have used for the design.
As we in the future might want to make small alterations to this logo, we would like to have your contacts so we could contact you directly.