Global Wine TourLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Global Wine Tour

Global Wine Tour has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 89 designs from 15 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

Exploring the world of wine, one country at a time
What We Do
Providing wine education by exploring the world of wine through evening virtual tours and full day workshops, with the use of Google Earth, wine tasting, and visual imagery of wine regions and vineyard landscapes.
Color Preferences
I would like the logo to use wine colours, such as burgundy, red, or green (colour of the vines as well as white wine grapes). I am open to other ideas though. Try to limit the logo to 3 colours, although 2 is preferable.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Please review the Global Wine Tour website at to try to make the logo match the colours and look/feel of the website. I would prefer to have the full business name "Global Wine Tour" embedded in the somewhere in the logo, although the abbreviations "GWT" would be a possible substitute. I would like the logo to convey "exploring the world of wine" in the theme somehow, somehow mixing a theme of explorers and wine together. I am very open to other ideas, so feel free to be imaginative in your work, and let me know if you have any other ideas that you want to discuss.


Order by
Entry Number






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I just want to let you all know that questions and comments are very welcome. Please review the Global Wine Tour website at to see the colours of the website and look and feel. This logo will be embedded on the website, and will also be printed on letterhead, business cards, and wine tasting glasses. Thank you all in advance, and I look forward to seeing your ideas and artwork!
15 years ago
Re: Entry #2

I included my slogan "Exploring The World Of Wine, One Country At A Time" because the entry asked me for it. I think I'd prefer to NOT incorporate the slogan in the artwork if possible. I nixed entry #1 as I don't want a full colour background. I think entry #2 is alot closer to what I'm looking for with respects to not having a background colour.

I like the fonts (3-d look is nice) and I like the shining globe. The colours are also nice, but I'm wondering about the "police shield" shaped background. Would it be possible to have the background as a globe shape, falling in line with "exploring the world of wine" theme? All in all, it was a good first attempt, and I certainly see some artistic skill in the creation!
15 years ago
15 years ago
The "cop shield" description was the first thing that popped in my mind when I saw it, and yes, I can see a "shield" as being a better description. Thank you for understanding about me not wanting the slogan included. The slogan below would likely be handy for the website, so is it an option to include it (ie a couple of versions sent, with and without) when the contest is over?
15 years ago
"yes, I can see a "shield" as being a better description"....correction to my previous comment, I actually meant to say "crest" but typed "shield" by accident. Sorry! lol

15 years ago
Re: Entry #5

I like the concept here, and the colours are nice as well. I'm not fond of the fonts chosen, and the width of the logo (too wide) could use some work. Maybe you can increase the height of the logo, and make it less wide (ie. Global on top, and Wine Tour below in a second row)? This would allow you to increase the size of the image, which I do like very much.

Also, although I would like to have the slogan included with delivery once the contest is over (for use on the website), I want to have a logo without the slogan (ie. for printing purposes) as well.

Thanks :)
15 years ago
Sorry, previous remarks were meant about entry mistake!
15 years ago
Re: Entry #7

I like this one. Can you do something with the colours, more red/burgundy as opposed to the earth tones currently shown?
15 years ago
Re: Entry #6

This one has an interesting concept! I'm not too fond of the colours used (too much earth tones). Also, can you replace the bottle with a glass of wine instead? The fonts could use some work as well, as they don't appeal to me too much.

Thanks :)

15 years ago
Re: Entry #7

This is the first time I have seen a logo entry with the slogan, where I liked the look of the slogan as part of the logo! Try doing it with brighter or richer colours
15 years ago
Re: #8

I like where you're going with this, but I'd like to see some options with different fonts.

Thanks :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I see some entries has more than 3 colors. Can we use more?? What kind of colors you would like to see? the specs say Earthy colors, do you want us to try others instead? And about the style, the brief dosenĀ“t show as you like web 2.0 logos or with effects. Did specs change?

Thanks. Nat
15 years ago

Yes, some entries are a little carried away in the number of colours. I do prefer to keep it 3 colours or less, to ensure printing costs don't become too expensive. As to web 2.0 logos, I am open to fresh ideas. I have never done this before, and when presented with the specs at the set up, web 2.0 didn't really appeal to me, but if you have a good idea, don't be afraid to try it out, as I may be open to it. With respects to colours, I am looking for rich elegant colours, with a focus on wine colours. Specifically, burgundy/red, green, gold (I've seen it used on a couple of logos and it looks rich), and possibly some brown.

Thanks for your efforts as well as for asking questions! Muchas gracias!

Cheers :)
15 years ago
Message to all designers:

First off, thank you all for your efforts!

As I mentioned in my 2nd post, I am not really looking for having the slogan incorporated into the logo, unless it fits well. Some examples of where it does fit well are entry numbers 7, 9, and 16. Unless it fits well into the artwork, I'd prefer to not have it there. Also, some of the submissions are clipart in style, in that they are cartoonish/animated in quality. I am looking more for classy, elegance and richness. I'm not sure if that well conveys what I'm looking for, but if you have any questions, please feel free to either PM me or post your question here.

Many thanks again for all of your efforts!

Cheers :)

15 years ago
Re: entry #9

I like where this one is going. Can I see some versions using different colours?

Many thanks :)

15 years ago
Re: Entry #13

This one has a neat idea, as I liked how you incorporated the globe into the lettering of the company name. I'd like to see a version without the slogan, and can you do something about the grape colours? They are a little too bright red. The colour of the grape and the colour of the font used in "Wine" seems to be different (I could be wrong there). Maybe they could be the same, and more of a dark burgundy, rather than red.

I look forward to seeing the revision!

Cheers :)
15 years ago
Re: Entry #11

This revision looks better with the wine glass. Thanks for working on it. I like the idea behind it, but the colours used seem to be very pastel in nature. I am looking for more classy, elegant and richness in the colours. Can I see some revisions using deeper richer colours? I'm not sure if you know what I mean, so if you don't, please feel free let me know!

Saludos :)
15 years ago
Re: Entry #21

A nice improvement! I think it looks much better with the darker grapes, and the slogan removed from it. Feel free submit some colour variations in the fonts to present different options. So far, I like where it's going, and the look and feel of it!

Cheers :)

15 years ago
Re: Entry #14

The more I look at this one, the more I like it! Can I see some variation on fonts used in the company name? Also, the wine glass shape is very old fashioned and contemporary. I'd like to see a little different shape used for the wine glass, such as a Bordeaux style wine stem. Check out this website for what type of glass I mean:

Cheers :)
15 years ago
Re: Entry #16

This one has promise, and alot of originality. Can I see this with a little more elegant looking font (I don't mean the type of font used in #9, but rather something a little more serious?

Thanks :)
15 years ago
Re: Entry #22

This one has nice promise...elegant and classy looking with bold rich colour. I'll need a little time to digest it, but my first impression was definitely very positive. Can you give me another version with the slogan removed? I'm also not sure I like the saturn type ring around the globe. Can I see a version with that removed as well?

Thanks :)

15 years ago
Logo Designer
as your wish sir...... :)
thx for your comment....
15 years ago
Re: Entry #23

Can I see an option of this one with the saturn type ring back in it?

Thanks :)

15 years ago
Re: Entry #21

I am liking this alot, but after digesting it for some time, now feel that the colours seem to be very dull. Can I see it with the original brighter red on the grape? And please use the same colour in the words "Wine Tour" as you do in the grapes, like you have on the existing version with the words being the same colour as the grapes. Sorry to make you go back to the previous colour, but the current one seems too dark and lacks energy.

Thanks :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
as your wish sir...for #23 entry.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Since your name and your slogan do not completely tell the story of what your business is, i.e. education, wine exploration and I suspect comaraderie (those are the reasons that I go to wine tastings and classes), you may want to consider adding in more of that aspect to the design. Otherwise, I would think the company is a travel company.

What are your classes like? How many students do you usually have in a class? Would you say these classes are for the VERY serious wine drinker? Or for the more interested in wine and social wine drinker?

I think these are the things that your logo should also convey.
15 years ago
Our classes are intimate in size, with a maximum of 16 people. Our classes are for more of the intermediate level wine taster, rather than the serious advanced level. Most people attending our classes have an interest in wine, and most have never taken any kind of formal wine education.

Hope that helps!

Cheers :)

15 years ago
To all of the great designers,

The current ranking of the entries is not set in stone at the moment. There are several strong contenders, and there isn't one that is the clear front runner at this time. The rankings may change at different times, and I want you to know that just because yours is now moved to 2nd or 3rd place, it doesn't mean that it still cannot get moved back into first place again.

I have extended the contest by 2 days, to allow time for more entries, and to allow designers to digest my requests and remarks. and possibly come up with something that clearly becomes the front runner.

Thank you all for your great work and efforts, and all of you are to be commended on your imagination and design skills!

15 years ago
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