We thank you for your entries, and can appreciate your talents. For readability, we are inclined toward having the company title on one line with the subtitle on one line below. We like the efforts you have made to create a stylistic globe, and would very much like to see any other versions of a globe that you might create.
Hi Digiartz...Thank you for your quick response. We appreciate your work, and have moved up your entries. If you are able to come up with any more ideas for stylistic globes, we would look forward to seeing them. Thanks, Skip
Hi Digiartz....You have done some very good work for us. Thank you very much. I will get some feedback from others during the day, and will get back to you as soon as I can. If you develop anything else, please do not hesitate to post. Thanks, Skip
Hi Digiartz....We appreciate your good work. For your entries #59 and #73, please add some color to the company name to tie in with the globe. For the first and third words in the name, please use blue. For the middle word in the name, please use green. Any other thoughts you might have will be appreciated as well. Thanks, Skip
You are very talented, and are doing some very exceptional work for us. Thank you very much for all your entries. Your items #139, #149, and #140 are appreciated by all in our group, and are shown at this time in the top four. Although we still have an entry from another artist at the top of the list, the support for all in the top four is virtually equal. I will let you of any ideas that we might be able to offer. In the meantime, I must say that we respect all that you have developed by yourself.
Hi Digiartz....Thank you for your comments and for providing #152, which is very nice. With input from all in our organization, #143, #149, #152, and #139 are basically tied for first place. You have dove very good work, and have three out of four in the top position. You have done great jobs for us. Thank you very much. Skip
Thank you once again for appreciating my work so much. It is a pleasure that you all are considering my logos for the first place. I shall be awaiting the result. In the mean time let me know if you want anything.
If we were to choose either #149 or #152 as the winner, would we be able to switch to the other after we had a chance to look at the logo in the context of other materials? We would expect to end up with one logo or the other, but would like to know if we can choose one and experiment with the other if we want to do so. Also, I would like to know if we would be able to use your services for items other than logos after the contest is over. To do so, we would need to share email addresses. Would this be possible?
As I have said on many occasions, your work is very impressive. Thank you for your persistence and for all your good work.
Yes it's ok if you want to experiment later after you choose the winning design. Also I am available for any other design work later as well after the contest is over. After choosing the winner we can share the email id as the site has some rules which we need to follow. Thank you once again for considering my logo.
Hi Digiartz....This is all good news. I would enjoy working with you further in accordance with the rules we must follow. We will appreciate the opportunity to switch current logos to experiment. We very much like #149 and #152, and are having a hard time deciding between them. We would be able to settle on one before too long. It is late here. In our morning, I will award you the winning prize for #149 officially. I would like to be able to write to other artist first to thank them for all their good efforts. Thanks and congratulations! Skip
We are very pleased with everything. I will follow up this morning as promised with our official selection of your #149, but would like to look at a couple of options for the subtitle in #149. Please send us two versions (all caps and initial caps) of a new subtitle, which is "Practical, Web-Based Programs . Exams". In both cases, please center the dot between the words. Thanks for all you are doing for us.
Hi Digiartz....#157 works very well. As another small matter, in your estimation, would it help to put a very, very little extra space between the globe and the company name/subtitle? Skip
#158's spacing seems comfortable. As an artist, what do you think? Also, please remember that we need to use the new sub-title. Please put the new one in #158.
I have informed other artists that you have won the contest, and have thanked them for their good efforts. As soon as I get your opinion and we complete these minor adjustments, I will inform Logo Tournament.
Thanks Digiartz. We will use #159. The new subtitle with initial caps seems more readable. Let me know when you get your message from Logo Tournament. Thanks, Skip