THis s one of my favourites. Can I please see it with some different fonts. Similar contemporary fonts but variations. Maybe some that have parts of letters missing for example.
I would also like to see it with the symbol in different places. Eg to the left of my name, etc
OK, I have always liked this as one of my favourites but my wife is concerned the symbol might look like a fish? Can you please see if you can modify it a little to reduce the chance of this?
Hi, please check #302 if this is okay for you already :) i reduced the tail in the G to lessen the illusion that's forming like a "fish" Thank you for waiting!
Hi Jusging closes in a couple of days and I believe I will choose one of your designs. I have never used this service before so just want to confirm I can get the colour version with blue on white and white on blue pluse a B&W with black on white plus white on black plus white words on a clear transparent background, black words on a clear transparent background , and blue words on a clear transparent background .
Hi, yes it is allowed for you to received those options and i would be glad to provide you different file format as you need them. Thank you so much for using LT and for choosing my design as your winner :) It's been a great pleasure working with you on this contest and so happy to be a part of your endeavors. God bless you and your family!
THe competition closes in 3 days so I will be in touch soon. Before it is over as I will need to make one change to the word photography. I will be flying for the next 2 days so will be uncontactable after the next 8 hours.
Hi I have closed the competition and selected your designs as the winning entry. thank you for your help.
I will be using the latest version (307) with the word landscapes below my name.
Can you please arrange the colour version with blue on white and white on blue. I like the blue you used in 129.
I will also need B&W with black on white plus white on black plus white words on a clear transparent background, black words on a clear transparent background , and blue words on a clear transparent background .
Could I please have options with the logo both, above and to the right side of my name.
Could you also provide just the symbol on its on
I will need to know what font you have used as well.
Can you please also supply one more version like 129 that has the word landscapes in a different colour blue?
Could you supply them in the most popular file formats please and include a jpeg version.
Hi Glenn, Thank you so much for completing the contest and awarding me as the winner :) I just finished uploading the final files, which are eps format (scalable to any size) and jpg format. With regards to your other file format requests, i will be sending them to your email ( address which i got from the LT contract, for a faster and convenient way of transfer. Kindly click the "approve button" after you received the uploaded files so the LT system will transfer the prize award to my account.
Thank you for using Logo Tournament for your logo needs and hope you'll be back for more projects :) Please let me know if you'll need any help and i'll be more than glad to do it (