I really like the direction your headed #22 is very quickly becoming my favorites!!!! Can we some different color schemes, can one doughnut be glazed white with some bacon sticking out of it? I know the doughnuts are in the shape of G&C but if we can get a few slices of bacon on there please use this picture for reference
Also van the glazed and confuzed text take on a more "keep it truckin" kind of text kinda retro and i think i dont want the "glazed and confuzed" to be dripping but definitley the doughnut
Keep up the amazing work and i'll hand deliver some bacon doughnuts :)
#45 is dope!! I'm having the family and friends looking at these before I make a decision. You're killing it!!!! Bacon looks great I did love the initials of G & C with doughnuts but the bacon blocks the C a little bit can we make the C more prevalent with the bacon?? That's just knit picking btw. Great Job
I saw that new design it looks better and obviously I'm going with yours can we possibly prop the "c" up a bit so we can see it a bit better. Not sure how this next part works. Good shit man I'm going national with this design (fingers crossed)
Any other changes you would like to see? I am heading out of town for a wedding this weekend and want to make sure I get you everything you need before then. Thanks!
I really don't I really leave it up To your expertise. I've viewed your old projects and love all your work so I can pretty much trust your judgement. Give me as many options as possible as this will be the last step before I declare you the WINNER!!! I'd love to get some phone numbers and emails From you so we can stay in touch!!
can we do the confuzed in tie dye colors. We like the colors just not blown away by any of them. How long do we have to keep adjusting this, it says i have three days left to decide. What is your opinion? Let's start with the tie dye confuzed and work from there with a few more color options maybe with texture? or design?
not really, how can we make the word confuzed look confuzed -every letter a different color -maybe a different font
know mater what i will be choosing one tomorrow i appreciate all your hard work so much, we live i denver let me send you some medicinal medicine (wink wink)
not really, how can we make the word confuzed look confuzed -every letter a different color -maybe a different font
know mater what i will be choosing one tomorrow i appreciate all your hard work so much, we live i denver let me send you some medicinal medicine (wink wink)
Oh we are so close i love the new lettering and coloring I was wondering in "CONFUZED" can we make the "Z" look like a question mark and still look like a Z? People always spell my company glazed and confused (with an "S")
WOW!!!!! That is so sick!! Can we make that question mark a little larger then the rest of the text and more elongated. I want that Z/? to stand out, I'm liking all versions of the white confuzed. I promise this will be the last edit I'm am truly grateful for all your amazing work
Also, Having the "Z" like #74 will affect the "not your daddy's donuts" at the bottom because the "Z/?" hangs down too far to have the slogan in a straight line across the bottom.
On #71 I want to keep the green and pink shading in the word confuzed. I just want to make the Z/? Bigger and it's fine if its makes your daddy's doughnuts curved...I liked that
From here I will upload the files required by Logo Tournament and you need to look them over and approve them (I don't get paid until you do :)
I would also like to send you some additional file types that aren't required by Logo Tournament (should be uploaded in 15 minutes or so ) , but you will want in the future. These include a .png file with a transparent background, pdf, and psd file types.
Shoot me an email at brian@raleighbrands.com and I will send them on over.
If you have any other questions or ever need any other design work I will be happy to help you out.
The green shading on the Z/? can it be cleaned up a little, all the other letters seem to have smooth curved lines that come to a point. The .eps file you can really notice the green lines on the Z/? need a little fine tuning, other than that it's a work of art!!!