Color Preferences
We would prefer to keep our current main brand color: Navy Blue, hex code #141B4D, Pantone 2766c
Otherwise, we have used light greys and white as accents
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Our reason for changing the logo:
1) The primary one is that the logo cannot shrink or be used as an icon at small sizes. We want an icon that is legible at small sizes + plus a wordmark. We're fine with the wordmark being the same one we have now.
2) Our leadership does not like that the current logo looks like a frown, so a way to demonstrate a dome without a simple upside-down curved line would be ideal.
3) We like our current visual style, as demonstrated in the website screenshot attached. And we like that it's very easy to create a single-color version of the log. But you can see how the logo has a lot of trouble shrinking down.
Good logos we like: Watershed, Spotify,