thank you for creating more than one version of your design. We love the entry #8 the best!!
-Can you do something more with the company name to make it stand out more? The text is a little too plain and we would love to see it pop out a little.
-As far as the "earth figure" goes, we would like to see some without lines.
For entry #4 it's not too far from entry #8. Lets try the same changes as suggested above to see if that moves it closer to what we would like to see.
-We do like how the slogan wraps around the globe!
Here is a suggestion, can you make the "earth-figure" blue, the one shoe black, the other white and the name Giving Athletics, Inc. green with a white outline or white with a green outline....sort of like the skype word 2.0 logo.
Hope this feedback helps. Hope it's not too much. Thanks again.
We love your latest designs. Our favorite thus far is entry #20. We had an idea based on what you've created so far.
-Do you think you can turn the globe into a character with hands and feet? Here's what we were thinking: The globe doesn't need a face, but rather, could just have it remain looking like any other globe with the continents. We would love to have outstretched arms holding the ends of the slogan that rainbows over the top of its' head. The feet would come straight down into a pair blue and green shoes (not black and white). One shoe would be blue the other would be green. Below the globe will be our company name Giving Athletics, Inc. not in block letters but solid, sharp letters. The color can be a whatever you think is best. I would suggest a few different colors in addition to blue and green so that we can see what that would look like.
I know this is a big change, but we're confident you can make these changes. Thanks again for your time and your creativity.