I offer a unique concept, the executive girl is my creation. This logo can be used in two ways: for web use and another one for economic use in only two colors. Even if it have details, is simple and clean. It have a third alternative: an only-type-version. If its necesary, it can be black and white.
Hi Melissa, Thanks for your quick turnaround - these are fantastic! I love the font you picked along with the shade of pink to complement the black - nice choice. I don't think I'd use the tagline at the bottom, although I appreciate you including it. Can it be removed from each graphic? Also, in #1, I'd be interested to see the girl with dark brown hair. Thanks again for your great work!
A minimalistic idea (#17). Like in the other concepts, i show the adaptability of the logo, in two colors or black and white for the total capacity of reproduction: web, t-shirt or an elegant-economic presentation card.
I love #17 and really think this concept would translate well onto a website, as you said. Can I see what this would look like with a different font? I'm concerned that the font might look like a man's handwriting. I'm not sure if the font needs to be super-feminine or just something "fun" - whatever you think is best! Thanks again - you are so talented!
im gonna submit a lot of fonts with the logo-post-it idea, when you see something that you really like, please let me know, and then we can try other colors. I feel that your logo could have the posibility of "change", even if you use the pink regularly in cards, tshirt or caps, in your website the logo can dress with diferent color, for example, if you are in the main page and you go-to the "contact us" page :)
Sue - these are great and exactly what I am looking for as far as a different font. I'm re-ranking for you to show you my top choices. Excellent work - thanks again!
I made a new idea, one with a cool web 2.0 efect and the other one is a practice version for other stuff. Do you really love the font that you rank in first place? or, do you need to see more? I remember that you liked the font of the first entries, so, i made one of the post it versiĆ³n with it. Let me think in another idea, i want to explore a lot of posibilities.
Hey Sue, Again - great stuff! I do like the fonts that in the concepts that I've ranked 1 & 2 - they are more in line with the look/feel I have in mind. I like your entries #46 & #47 also - but I'm not sure how the background would translate to a business card, stationery, website, etc. I want to keep them posted for now, but can I also see those two without the background (just plain white)? Thanks again! Jenny
I saw that you liked font #20 the most, so, i offer you some other interesting types that are like that. In the other hand, i dress different the executive girl from my first entries, and combine the font that is in first place. Like always, there is a choice in full color, for web or tv, and for print or t-shirts, another economic option.
I will be near. If you need anything else, just let me know.
Hi Sue, Yes - still loving #20! Can I see that exact same concept except with lighter shadows - like in #32? #20 currently has dark black shadows under the note paper and a darker shade under the pin head.... #32 seems to have a lighter grey under the note paper and a lighter pin head shadow. I like the shadows in #32. Thanks again!