My favorites of your work are #4 and #2. I like the vertical orientation of #2 but not the roof top. Need more 3-d effect? The eyebrows and mischievous look on the ginger bread mans face are close. Perhaps just a little less hair. I like #4 better than 2 and would like to see with more depth or dimension. Thanks
Entry 31 is my favorite of your design now. My problem with it is that it seems that it looks a bit too much like starbucks. Perhaps play with colors, type styles etc. I like the grin on the gingerbread man. Can he be stepping out of the circle a little or can he be in a vertical oval instead of an exact circle? Thanks
Sure thing! I will work on revisions when I get back to my design computer later on tonight. FYI, I'm not sure how the lettering will look with the vertical oval, but I'll work on it & give you some options. Thanks for the ranking & feedback, Don
I'm trying to figure out a way to not look like Starbucks, because their logo is too often imitated. maybe a vertical rectangle? Perhaps the oval won't work. Not sure. Thanks
I like 132 best so far. His hair kind of looks like a hairpiece a little bit. Can you make it just a little more flame like? Also If we could do something with the background that is a little larger and make the text more 3-d at all? Thanks
#162 - Here is my latest revision. Take note how I made his left leg go behind the letters & the right leg in front of the letters to add to the dimension of the logo. Please let me know what you think. Thanks, Don