really cool minimalist design. love entry #5. we are now thinking about some slogan to accompany the logo, so this leaves space for it as well. We haven't come up with the slogan yet though. Not a prerequisite to the contest, but giving the creativity of people at the logotournament, may be you can come up with smth as well. (e.g. one of the similar websites out there has "Love Technology... Love People More" as their slogan.)
wow,, :) ur welcome..... :) i have another one concept.... get offline get real life,, but i think the previous one is more cool than this,, isnt it?? :)
Yes, we saw it as well. We like the "less technology, more life", because "get your real life" may sound a bit too negative to people who are suffering from addiction - it sort of downplays their self-esteem, like saying them "you have no real life". Though it surely fits perfectly in the overall idea. Thanks!
Hi Muji, Your logo is clearly making it to the final stage. Can you please experiment with text spacing a bit? maybe the spacing between "ffli" can be increased a bit? now it looks a bit too narrow, like a fence. Thanks! Also, maybe making "org" smaller and thus the entire logo a bit shorter will look nice as well?
hi,,, i upload something new again #160 i think its better than the previous one..... the main point of my logo is easily recognized.... did u know? if your logo is easily recognized, your company will be easily recognized tooo :)
yes, the easier the logo is recognized, the better. The issue with this logo you designed is that we are worried that having the entire "offline" in different color is better than just "O". One of the reasons is that in Russia many people are not fluent in English and OFFLINE in different color will probably work better for them to remember the site name. having the entire "offline" in red in this logo will probably be too much, what do you think?
should be like #162? :) yeah, i think its better than previous one....... in different color, the logo is easier to read than if the logo is just in one color :)