Thanks for your hard work. Do you see my logo on my site. The puzzle pieces with the faces in it. Can you combine that with the actual faces since I own them and put them into your design. I love the colors and worry that the figures are too similar to unicef. I like that you're helping me as I really need something that will draw in diverse teenagers. Can you do this... Take my puzzle pieces..they belong to me...and build them into the left and then leave your words in 51...then the puzzle works...
with the puzzle pieces. you can play with the words around them...please. do you need the file? we are so close.
Me again. Well here is 01h45 am I guess you're not attaching the files today but I will check back with you tomorrow... I am going now. :) See you tomorrow!
First of all I will start by saying I'm sorry for only now realizing that from the start you asked more for a redesign of you logo than a complete new one. You said you loved your puzzle pieces and I am sorry not to work with them from the start.
So you like the letters with puzzle pieces on them like in entry #51 so what I did (and like you suggested) was to combine the two.
Once again sorry for taking so long to understand exactly what you wanted but now we have the puzzle pieces combined with the letters from #51 and its all good! :)
Also I would like to add that in case I am the winner designer I will ask you for the files of the pieces with the faces in better resolution and deliever a final design with better quality. This one is just for you to see how it will look like.
Stronger colors now. You like it CH? Just let me know! ;) Actually dont get me wrong but for the rest of the day I am out... only tomorrow I'll be able to work some more! ;) but tell me what you need to be done and I will do it asap!! ;)
Hi, #60 looks a whole lot better. Do you think you can have it exactly how it is but with the color order going with the purple, yellow, green then blue. thank you. I just want to see how that color combination works. Keep it up. Thanks again