Nice! You're immediately a top contender.
The swoosh-person has some potential, but as-is it's a bit too swooshy and not enough persony - too bendy I think. The upper body portion is good; the feet look odd. This is the feminine part of the design, so make sure it stays at least as feminine as it is now, or gets even more feminine.
Nice attention to detail with the stars, the glow at the feet, the vertical line. It would benefit if there ere w bit more white space between the vertical line and the words. That said, the graphic part of the logo needs to stay simple and bold to really pop and make an impact. It's verging on too complex - not yet over the line, but it's close.
Really nice job, I appreciate the submission!
btw, after reading up a bit about the point system I've changed how I rank stuff. I now put just one concept in the top 10, leaving variations in the 11+ slots. That's why #53 is so low - I don't like it less, it's just that it's the same concept as #52.