Not crazy about the 3D effect on #10. Like having GEORGIA DRIVING together, then ACADEMY. Like to see red incorporated somewhere amongst these words. Like the GD in #9 better than the rest, but not crazy about the wheel.
#53 and #54 a little dark overall. When applying to a black background try putting the D in white and DRIVING ACADEMY in white. Leave wheel behind in gray. And try taking the serifs off the top of G and D. Something a little too jagged/sharp looking to me.
First, please read an update made on the contest brief!! Open phase has been extended 2 days. Then read below:
With the new name we have to totally loose GEORGIA DRIVING ACADEMY.
It's just GDA TRAINING now. See if there is anyway to incorporate into some of your existing ideas. A symbol should probably be made up of G D A. Or... an abstract symbol with GDA TRAINING underneath it or to the side.
#116 - #119 would be abstract enough of a symbol that they wouldn't initially read a G or D so you could probably still use this and then just put GDA TRAINING instead of GEORGIA DRIVING ACADEMY.