Like the combination of G and D. Effective and graphically engaging while still forming a steering wheel. Also the correlation of colors to the spelled out word effective.
With the new name we have to totally loose GEORGIA DRIVING ACADEMY.
It's just GDA TRAINING now. See if there is anyway to incorporate into some of your existing ideas. I had really liked #4/#13 all along, but now won't have those words. And a symbol should probably be made up of G D A.'s an abstract symbol with GDA TRAINING underneath it or to the side.
I think I like the logos when it's the solid red/black like #128. Might update this one to GDA TRAINING, which I like best underneath so far. Can either do on one line like you have or GDA on one line, TRAINING on the next underneath.
Your symbol is almost abstract enough if someone didn't know the name use to be Georgia Driving Academy they wouldn't necessarily know it's a G and a D together.
In your concepts so far I like the GDA TRAINING together in one line underneath the logo. Thanks for showing #141 so I could see what stacked would be like, but a little narrow, so like all on one line instead underneath vs. to right side also.