for #10, I like the font and the change in color. Is there a way to try to incorporate a running theme or initials into the logo. Maybe with the white curved part?
For #9, I like the shading and overall appearance, but I would like to see something that could be associated more with running, as if put on a racing shirt, etc...
I'm sorry, I meant to put the words stacked on top of each other, one word per line. Also, since we may put this on a black awning (on the front of the building), can we try a blue circle (filled in) with a black runner and a blue runner with a non-filled in blue circle? Thanks!!
on #51, I like the change, but can the angle of the runner be tilted back like the other ones? Can we also try a change to the wording like #26? Thanks!
I think I like #61 with the font and layout. Could the runner be tilted back more like in #33? Maybe a white background in the circle instead of black?
I like the change with #74. I still like the runner on this more than the others. Is there anyway he can keep the same look, but less like a ribbon? Thanks!