Geneva Running OutfittersLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Geneva Running Outfitters Geneva Running Outfitters has selected their winning logo design. For $325 they received 181 designs from 25 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by grafixsphere Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn New #53 Withdrawn New #52 Withdrawn New #22 Withdrawn Prefers others. #45 Withdrawn Prefers others. #24 Withdrawn Prefers others. #23 Withdrawn Prefers others. #8 Withdrawn Prefers others. #2 Discussion grafixsphere Logo Designer logo 1(This comment references Entry #2) 15 years ago grafixsphere Logo Designer logo 2(This comment references Entry #8) 15 years ago ejott Client I like #8, with the wording more than #2, but I think the logo was better (not exactly what I was looking for) in #2. The runner could look more like someone in stride and less thick.Thanks! 15 years ago ejott Client sorry, from the main page:For #2, I like the "clean" look from it, but feel that Geneva is emphasized too much. 15 years ago grafixsphere Logo Designer logo 3(This comment references Entry #22) 15 years ago grafixsphere Logo Designer logo 4(This comment references Entry #23) 15 years ago grafixsphere Logo Designer LOGO 5(This comment references Entry #24) 15 years ago grafixsphere Logo Designer logo 6(This comment references Entry #45) 15 years ago ejott Client I like #45 the best out of your logos. Can you make the word "running" stand out more than the rest? Thanks! 15 years ago grafixsphere Logo Designer LOGO 7(This comment references Entry #52) 15 years ago grafixsphere Logo Designer LOGO 8(This comment references Entry #53) 15 years ago