I like the male and female...could you maybe try that making one grey and one black and maybe making one or more of the words an accent color? I can't think of what the font is called, so I would have to check, but maybe a "handwriting" font. Something not "perfect" looking and that might help this look a little more trendy and young...
So far, we are liking the direction this is headed. Do you think you could make the people a little less realistic and more interpretive? Maybe brush looking strokes, different placement of the arms? Let me know if any other info in particular would be helpful, and I will do the best I can to be more specific.
I have attached an image to help describe where we were headed next with your design. It just shows the heads, but don't feel you need to limit yourself to that....there was just no way i would be able to draw much more than that! More simplistic and abstract. Let me know if that helps.