#5 I was trying to make the G an initial so the "G" can be use alone... #7 I was trying to connect the "e" to make it like an eye-glasses, that's why I use different color with the "e" sorry not telling you this at the first place...
I try to emphasis the "To" without creating hassle in other letters... sorry if I was mistaken.... I wonder if the word "To" means "It"? so the magnifying glass was actually magnifying it...
Sorry for my late comment, but I didn't noticed yours. Actually competition holder doesn't get any message about designers comments.
#5 You can try to use G as initial letter #7 now I can see eye-glasses, but here with this design I have too problems. First it doesn't comply to 'Don't make me think', and second it doesn't distinguish words in url. #1 has good design and #7 also but could you try to emphasize words more than eye-glass idea. I like combination with slogan but try to improve in 'Don't make me think' direction. #8 yes 'to' means 'it'... ... GDJE = WHERE ... JE = IS ... TO = IT
Could you try in #12 not to take out .com, because we plan to advertize it on billboard (local campagne) so url must be recognized. Font style is also ok, but try to choose some that is a litlle bit more readable.
Idea with #11 is interesting but now logo now has much more tendency to move look away in upper right position.
Yes I am thinking the same about "?" on #13. Our site audience are also not so good computer skilled people. Have you tried variation without "?", or to put it outside of cloud. But question mark has big influence on this logo style.
Also cloud you play with colors on #8, maybe in #6 direction. Women part of company liked very much this design.
#14 lacks something... design would probably be better with '!' instead of '?'. But now I have idea for not having 'gdjejeto?.com' effect. In #13 try to cut cloud straight in vertical line between GdjeJeTo and ? and do a little bit wider gap between now left and right side of cloud. This gap would be in white color (same as surrounding background), so we would get question sentence effect without more gap (in same cloud) between last letter and question mark and we will lessen possibility to create 'gdjejeto?.com' confusion. Also could you leave gray background in solid color, instead of this light effect. Font for slogan on #13 is nice, it doesn't need to be very fast readable.
In #15 can you try to put black color as in #6 for GdjeJeTo letters, an maybe stretch up letter 'J' a little bit, to put more emphasize on different words.
#16 has truly achieved certain effects: question concept, the tendency that site answers that question, clearly separated words, even the position of the slogans matches. Just when it could be achieved without inverse colors, for easier later combining logo on the page.
Transition from #15 to #17 achieved more clearly separated words, but could you try it only with enlargement of letter 'J' without changing size of all letters.
I will remove now #2, #3, #5, #11, #12, #13 and #14 because they were only stage to achieve this very good logo designs #6, #8, #16, #17, #18.
I will also remove #7, although with very interesting eye-glass idea it doesn't give us fast and non confusing url recognition.
Hi, could you in #6 create longer lower part (holder stick?) of eye-glass and a little smaller upper part (magnifier glass) of eye-glass , but not to change current size of eye-glass.