GD Building and LandscapesLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / GD Building and Landscapes

GD Building and Landscapes has selected their winning logo design.

For $325 they received 116 designs from 20 different designers from around the world.


Hi Laffi

Really happy with your design. Thank you. We are interested in the possibility of using say entries 72 and 74 interchangeably depending on whether we use it on tshirts, letterhead, signage etc. Would it be possible to see entry #74 on a slightly lighter background? Like for example a darker shade of the gray used in the logo?

Thank you.
9 years ago
Hi Laffi

Thanks very much for sending through plenty of colour options. We are definitely leaning towards your design. Would it be possible to see a version with a background a bit lighter than entry #74 and a bit darker than entry #96?

Also, would it be possible to see entry #62 with the colouring used in entry #96 with the darker background?

We would be keen to see the logo in any other colour schemes that you think would look good. Doesn't have to be the colours that we have suggested in the brief.

Also, if we choose your design, are we able to get two versions of the template - one with the dark background and one with a white background?

Thanks very much.

9 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, thanks for your comments.
If you choose my design you will get all the variations you may need,
including the black and white versions.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
...if you have more suggestions, please let me know.
Best Regards
9 years ago
Hi Laffi

Would it be possible to see your design with grid lines behind it, like similar to entry #91, and also using colours closer to the colours used in #91 (i.e. a brighter green and a similar gray).

We would also be keen to see what it would look like with more of a sketch effect, again like #91. And perhaps also using different fonts?

Thank you so much.
9 years ago
Hi Laffi

Thank you so much for your design. We are really happy with it.

When you upload the files, would it be possible to also get the files for entries #72 and 73?

Also, would it be possible to see the winning entry using a lighter more pastel colour green? Like more of a spearmint colour? Sorry to be difficult - we are just not 100% happy with the colours in the winning entry. Perhaps could you also adjust the grey in the wording to better suit the background?

Thanks so much.
9 years ago
Hi Laffi

Thanks for uploading the final files. Are you able to also upload the files for entries #72 and 73 (i.e. the black and white versions?)

Thanks very much.
9 years ago
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