We really loved the logos,they are just what we needed but we need you to tweek in a little more on logo 36,35 and logo 33
Changes in Logo 36 and 35: The picture of the globe that I had sent you is against a plain white background without any boarder and we would want the logo to be the same against a white background without the blue or black background. Changes in Logo 33 : We want the same globe depicted in Logo 34,as the globe depicted in Logo 33 seems to be upside down. Kindly let us know if you have any queries.
Hello! Here is the revised version of entry #33: entry #37 In entry #33, the globe wasn`t upside down but the colors were switched: the oceans were dark blue and the continents were lighter blue (as opposed to #34 were the oceans were lighter blue and the continents were darker blue).
Here are the new round of revisions for entries #35 and #36: entries #38, #39, #40, #41 In entries #35 and #36 I chose to use a background for the globe you provided for good contrast purposes. Also, your globe is "striped" which made difficult to incorporate the grain around it. Thank you!
I also made 3 extra versions where I used the elegant grain over the tricolor globe, I used the new ITQ along with the combinations you wanted (with "Innovation Technology Quality", without it and with "One Global ITQ". The entries are #48, #49 and #50 Thank you!
Hi Mahmur, We really appreciate all the efforts that you have put in to help us create the perfect Logo. But we would furthur request a few more small changes to be made in the current Logo designed:
1. Logo 50: Shift the GBS to the top of ITQ and more towards the left (Left alignment rather than centre).eg: "I" of ITQ should be exactly below "G" of GBS). All font colours to be blue Remove one global ITQ Remove the shadow effect Also replicate Logo 50 by adding "One global ITQ"(font colour blue)
2. Logo 47: Lighten the colour of the continents and the ocean: It would be nice if you keep the colour of the continents same as the ITQ font colour in Logo 50 and the sea colour of a lighter shade to that. Shift the GBS on the top of ITQ more towards the left.(Left alignment rather than centre.(eg: "I" of ITQ should be exactly below "G" of GBS). Change the font of ITQ to the font we had sent. Remove one global ITQ Retain the font colour of GBS and ITQ Remove the shadow effect Also replicate Logo 47 by adding "One global ITQ"(font colour black)
Thanks a lot for the immense patience you have shown :)
The logos look fantastic, but when we are taking a print out of logo 51 and 52 the north pole of the globe is getting cut, can you kindly remove the shadow effect so that the globe looks full and complete. It would be nice if you could do it as soon as possible, since today is the last day of judgement.