We like the color scheme in these. We prefer the lighter tree of the two, but like the border at the bottom on the darker tree. We're not sold on the tree as our symbol but have not ruled it out yet.
Thank you very much for the feedback. I'll make one with the lighter tree and the border so you can see what that looks like, and see what other elements I can come up with.
The feedback is mixed from our team on your most recent entry (#11), personally I like it b/c of how the symbol both looks like Christ and the cross and how warm and inviting it looks. It's just not hitting the majority of us as the one yet....
I wanted to do a couple of designs for you with the Shepard and his flock following, which has been on my mind for a few days now as I've thought about how to depict Living Christ in the Community. Thank you, Tim
I thought I would try a different direction, more abstract and modern. The colors represent diversity, different people within the circle surrounding everything which represents community. Of course, at the center of everything is Christ who is represented by the cross.
We like the look of your most recent entry and the explanation definitely is in line with where our church family is currently. The different colors are nice...can we also see one with just different shades of green? Definitely more muted greens though...nothing too primary/bright.
Thank you for the feedback. As requested, this one has the 4 areas in different shades of green. I have a couple to show you, and if you want to mix and match any of the greens please just let me know.
This one has the tighter lines in the green areas and the same cross as the first one.
If these greens are too light, please let me know and I can do darker ones. Also, as these are so similar, please don't worry at all about marking any as not interested to keep things sorted for you.
Ok...I talked to our team and the consensus is that they like the colors over the green variations, however they do like the clean lines of #32. They also mentioned that instead of the scribbled look, maybe we could try something more solid and sleek looking (even something with a shiny effect to it to make it look 3-D).
Hey Thanks Tim for the quick response! We didn't like the 2 with the framing...it looked too much like an actual picture frame. #37 is definitely more of the feel we're going for, I'll run it by the team and see what they think....the only thing I see is that the cross/4 colors do not appear to be centered within the beige circle...
Just want to give some general thoughts on this contest as a whole as time is ticking down! We really like the idea of integrating whatever symbol we use in our logo with the text instead of it being so separate looking. We like the idea of unique fonts, a few of your submissions have these...we also like the idea of using something a bit more free feeling for the motto. We like the warm colors that we're seeing however we feel like we're only seeing one color scheme and would like to see some different ideas still staying away from pastels and wanting to keep it simple and not anything flashy or too much color - classy. We like the trees and crosses we're seeing but we're also hoping to see some different ideas as well....I'll copy this to each of the current submissions' pages from this Contest Discussion section as well to make sure you all are able to read this!
Our favorite right now is 41, we like the oval look and how it is to the left of the name. We're not crazy about the font of Gaylord Evangelical Free Church, we'd like to see it all one font as opposed to two different ones. Also we're still not sure about 4 different colors, the greens didn't do it as I had thought. In the current color combination we feel that the green section does stand out a bit too much...not sure if one color would be better than 4 or maybe even 2...play around with the colors and see what you can come up with!
These are a few entries where I tried different color combinations for you to see as well as different fonts. If there is a font you like with the color of another, I can certainly combine the two. I have some more I'm working on as well, and have some ideas for different elements, too.
Thanks so much for your help in giving us all of these options of colors...our team just met and we have unfortunately decided that the oval shaped design is no longer an option. We are still debating any further direction we can give you at this point...we'll keep you posted!
Thank you, I appreciate the feedback. I was hoping to hit on a color combination or font struck a chord. I have a few more ideas in the sketchpad so I'll try a different direction.
We really liked the color you used in design #66...if you have any other ideas that vary from the cross and tree we'd love to see them. At one point in time our church found symbolic meaning in a pitcher and basin with a towel (how Christ washed the feet of his disciples)...just a thought. I'm really sorry we can't give you any more direction.
Hello, No worries about direction, I really appreciate you taking the time to give feedback. All we can do is think up ideas and sometimes they click and sometimes they don't but what's important is that you find one that you really like. I'm sure you'll get more ideas from other designers and I'll certainly keep trying, too. Take care, Tim
Hello, I just wanted to let you know I'm out running errands today but will be back late this afternoon and will work on any variations you might want asap. I have a couple other versions of this one I 'm working on already with different font layouts and some different shades and textures. Thank you, Tim
We actually decided to extend our contest for another week, we just felt that we needed more time as we're getting a lot of different concepts in and want to evaluate where it is we exactly want to go with this.
We're split on 78/79...basin or no basin. I think that maybe the water stands out a bit much in 79, so maybe if it was more subdued.
Another thought...with the pitcher if you have any variations of that we'd be interested in seeing that. Maybe a different pitcher...different coloring...how the pitcher is presented etc.
I do have some different variations that I'm happy to work on. I'll also do the basin with more subdued water and no water just so you can see how that looks. Thanks again for the feedback!
This is #121 with the handle and towel on the opposite side, and the text layout a bit different. There are a lot of variations so if you like a certain pitcher style and another text style please let me know and I'll combine them into one.
I think we like 121's pitcher the best at this point...b/c it's a little bit narrower and the way the handle is facing. So far we like the basin in front of the pitcher and the softer water color. I like the text of the motto in 117.
Going with the pitcher theme, we would like to see what it would look like with a little bit more contemporary/modern pitcher. I'm not sure what this would look like or if it will work. Or with the current design possibly a different color of pitcher would work as well....