Colors - We're not really liking the red...we do like the colors in #109 (we like how the shading is done in this one as well b/c it makes it look more 3-D), the colors in #108 were a bit too simple.
Shapes - We like the square with the rounded corners better than the circles.
Trees - We definitely like the idea of of integrating the tree with the cross, our favorite tree so far is the one in 109.
Hands - We like the idea of using a hand in keeping with servanthood/reaching out to the community, but do not like the current design. We also again would like to stay away from red.
Text - We don't like breaking up the text with color, we'd like to keep it all the same color. With the bullet points it may be cool to use little leaves in keeping with the tree theme instead. Or another idea is underlining the motto with a branch...see what you think!
Also on the motto....if we could keep with "Living Christ in Our Community" that would be great...our team does not have the authority to change that...
hello, in this version i made the changes that you asked. I put more gradient in the brown area to make more 3d effect. Also i put the leafs instead the circles. Change the font color.
We really like the reflective effect on the symbol, it seems to be cut off though in entry #130. It we could try making the trunk a little longer/thiner...this may make the green portion under the tree smaller which is would make the tree a little bit larger and maybe a little more recognizable.
we like the tree in 146, but like the text in 129 can we try the motto in more of a script font?
the tree really needs to be recognized as a cross first and then as an after thought a tree, if that makes sense....we don't want people seeing it and thinking it looks like a tree and then realizing it's a cross...we want it to be the other way around. so whatever you can do to make it stand out more as a cross would be good.
Hi there, here is the changes which you asked for. The icon now is more liking a cross and then a tree. Also i change the font of motto to a nice script type.
hope you enjoy, and let me know what you think. I will keep trying another tree style.
The only other requests I have at this time is it I can see this design with the symbol to the side (to the left I believe) and also if you can make the reflective effect you have on it even more reflective....
We're meeting tonight at 7:00 EST so I will have any more updates following that meeting!
We really like the glow to 291 as well as the color of the text...not sure if it's different from previous designs but it seems to pop more.
We really like the color but are still debating if we like it better than the dark brown...we would like to see the glow effect on the dark brown design.
in order to defend my purpose i have some points to say. My purpose has this features: - clean and beautiful; - visual permeation; - great reduction (for distances, stationery, stamps, etc.); - Color and B&W easy application (for photocopies and paper box). - The font is easily readable
I hope you point this stuff when you choose the winner.