Very modern logo design... The first Letters from "Gary Images" "G" and "I" are nicely combined to a cool sign! The flame on the sign should remember to a hot burning slick... Even the style of lettereing should remember to a slick...
Please give an opinian if you want some changes...
Thanks for the logo entry - I like that you put the logo on a shirt so we can see what it looks like as the end product is very visual. With that said - I'm not a fan of the firey look - maybe I should update my entry to state that - my fault on that one. The G logo with the fire is not quite what I was looking for. Feel free to experiment with adding another color in as well... I like the clean look of your design...
I have combined the G and I in another way! With a little fantasy the logo looks like a camera now! Personally i would love excatly this logo but with the flames too, because it would represent Motorsport&Photo...
#62 took too long for me to realize it was a camera. After much discussion with my team - there was a consensus that it didn't look like a camera. #61 and #63 faired well with the team. We like the bold use of orange in the logo. The word Gary and Image would be better off together rather than a space between the two words - due to the website does not have a space in the url.