Thanks ! The green text doesnt work for me in #15 The text works fine in #14. You have a good contrast with the fonts and colors between the two main terms. The font for SPICE is nearly the same as that used for spice on other web sites, and gamification follow similar trend in font style. The colors are very bold and make a statement (controversial) which is what I am looking for.
It might be interesting to change the color of 'of' in #14 to the color of the green ring? Worth a try +
OK, back to the logo element ! You know what I really would like !! However if that is no possible then we have to work with others ;(
The logo element at the moment makes me think of PLANETS especially as the rings get bigger. SPICE has the concept of LEVELS hence the Passpot logo would be great as it shows some sort of LEVELS.
Some other concept ideas based on white globe as-is, just to help you with inpiration :-
#24 the logo on top as-is doesnt gel to well. It looks top heavy and because the logo is not symetrical in any way it doesnt look right.
#22 the proportions and layout seem to work well here. i think this is very good.
# 23 is quiet shocking and intersting layout. I am certainly trying to be controverail in some good way. This gives this sort of feeling. Its new to me, I have to look at it for a while and get used to it.
Great work
In #22 could you try to move the whole text up vertically a fraction so 'the'is aligned to the top of the blue arrowhead.
I am keeping my eye on Passport Career ! I am surprised with the current ranking and choice. If the contest finishes and you are able to put forward your logo in this contest then PLEASE do so. Another logo #193 is also simple and meaninful so again any ideas around this sort of logo element would be most welcome.
#38 #40 This logo element doesnt work for me. It looks a little oriental and reminds me of singapore airlines. #38 the purple color gets lost in the black background and doesnt seem to stand out well on my screen. Main use will be on the internet ¤40 the high silver gloss for SPICE feels that it is out of place somehow
#38 #40 #42 #43 The fonts used in all these logos work well
#43 the logo element looks too big compared to the text. Either reduce the logo size or increase the text dont size
#42 #43 Viewing on my resultion screen, there ppaers to be too much 'gloss/shine' on gamification and spice that to the ey iit becomes a little unreadable. You probably have a higher resolution screen or are looking at a better quality of the final logo? Maybe you could tone it down on this logo Or remove shine altogether?
#44 #45 There is too much single color in the logo to the extent that the predominant message is number 6 or number 9. This detracts away from the concepts.
I would like to see at least one entry based on a theme around sphere /gaming ball with high gloss shine
Hello again Clickspice, Yup, the rank was down to 4th place recently, i am thinking of withdrawing my entries in Passport Career and put them in this contest, give me time to do that, i need some times to think about these, for now i will keep working on my entries in your contest and will do some revisions based on your feedback.
Regarding Passport Career, dont worry for the moment as I can extend the time period of my contest by another 3 days which i will doto give extra space. Keep them in Passport Career until judging is complete. I can see you spent a lot of time on that contest. Think the best for you.
#46 logo is not working for me. It looks like a jewellery bangle, or a hat that aladin might wear. I think this one is a dead end.
#47 #48 a good concept. It feels to me that the text is too low down and may need lifting up a fraction. Can you try a variant with half the intensity of the glow that you have on #48
#49 #50 The logo element is a good concept Perhaps we can play around with a few different color sets (what about the four colors in passport) between colors in logo and colors in text. You could also try having the bands of the sphere turend 45 degrees for comparison #50 a general comment, when you have the logo above the text, I feel that the text needs to be larger? Or maybe it the 'the' on its own that gives that visiual effext. THE could be turned 90n degress and put to the left of the 'g' in gamification and 'o' of of.
Justy a few ideas
But I am not a designer so chosse to ignore my comments if they dont make sense for you
I have had chance to ask a few friend about the inputs
Below are the general comments a) the text fonts, size and style when combined together are great - no comments here b) #56 #57 the blue globe doesnt work , especially with the dots color scheme - so dont progress that particulat logo further c) #42 #43 there is a good likeing of these two designs but the following comments are made >> take the two tone of the color off gamification and spice and use the shading as in the sy´tyle of #48 >> reduce the speard of the logo part in #42 it seems dsproportionate to the text element >> again in #43 it is proportions - either increas sixze of text element or reduce size of logo element Please think about revision of #52 #43 as they are well liked !
Now we have gone to the other extreme We need something in the middle with regrd to proportions between logo element and text element #66 inrease the logfo size OR inrease the logo andreduce the text size to get a good balance' trial and error the right formula ishere we just need to get the right blance
#80 by using red and yellow, the visual effect changes, the logo element has a perception of being small, the eye is brought to the yellow as the red fades into the background #81 #82 the use of the blue square background has complcated the design too much especially with the additional show effects as well. I do see the point though but i think this will not work
#78 #79 I think we have got the balance right with these two - hurray ! We did also like the orange text element in #47 and #48 . Could you additionally replicate #78 with orange (or similar color) text element (with whatever assocaited color changes might be desirable in logo element to match)
#83 I see you have changed the proportion (height and width) of the logo. i need some time to take this in before commenting
Assuming #78 is about right for the logo on top of text, can you now consider logo to left or right of text
#85 this is a little too compliacted and looks like a butterfly ! Best is to have design that is either meaninful to subject are or totally abstract, #84 use of blue background behind logo doeasnt work for me, republish without the background there
Mr. Clickspark, i also need to offline for couple hours, just leave me comments for another revisions, i'll do that after im logged in back in next 2-3 hours
There are a few monor 'tweaking' requests from my kids !
#112 #114 can you provide a version with change the 'The' to same color as the 'of' #65 #94 can you provide a version with either shadow removed (or very minimal)
Yes, they are the same and only difference by a stretch, No problem Mr. Clickspice, just let me know if you need other changes, say my hello to your kids:)
update for 199 and 198: #203 update for 109 #202 Dear Mr. Clickspice, I think i need some rest right now, its 2am here in jakarta, will meet you again this morning, just leave me comments if you need revisions then i'll do that right away after i wake up this morning
Mr. Clickspice, options for white background: #204 #205 and #206 #207 If you choose me the winner, then i have to send you 2 kind of files, the on black background version and on white background version
Thanks for the white background, doesnt look too godd, I guess I would have to stay with the black
I wonder if I might ask for one last important request Could I have one last variant of #201 with a lightercolor blue for instance as the bluw in the logo of #133 or #178