Gallivanting OzLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Gallivanting Oz

Gallivanting Oz has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 90 designs from 11 different designers from around the world.




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#1 Really like your style of drawing, but can you please try a more modern looking campervan for us. Keep the hands and style of writing, but need to make bigger, in particular the slogan. Either try the campervan with no colour,or more like 'australia outback' so orange and browns if possible. Thanks for contributing.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Gallivan
Thanks for the comment,
Here's my entry for your consideration, #9
any comment is welcome,
15 years ago
Hi Paul
Thanks for the new entry, but we are still liking your first entry more, although still not quite what we are after. I'll just make a few notes of what we do/don't like as you are definitely on the right track with the first entry and your overall style. I hope this will help with your next entry.
Writing - like the colour of Gallivanting Oz on #1, and the style of writing. #9, while it is bigger and easier to read, does not appeal to us. The actual words Gallivanting Oz on #1 are ok size, just the slogan needs to change. Not a fan of it being on two lines as #9, so hopefully there is a way to make it easier to read. That bright orange colour is the 'orange' we are looking for on #1, rather than the 'yellow orange' on #9.

Campervan - Face on #1 is more what we are looking for, than #9 -needs to be obvious it has a face, and is smiling or talking. Having a hand or two waving is excellent - really like that. The campervan either needs to be 'front on' or facing the other direction to what you have it if side on (facing to the right). The colour of the campervan in both are not really what we are after, although hard to say exactly what we are after. Either black and white with a 'splash of colour' or something that will go with the bright orange (colour writing of #1) and dark brown. While the campervan in #9 looks more modern, not sure about the 'top bit' of the campervan. Probably need to at least lose the top window. Under contest discussion, I've popped a few links so you can see the types of campervans that we'll be using if that helps. Really like #1 as it seems to have a bit of character, which is really what we are looking for, but just need to modern it up a bit.

I hope all these feedback helps you - we'll know when we see exactly what we are after, but so far I haven't seen it anywhere on the web to give you an idea of what we are after.

Thanks again for your contribution - I hope you are able to provide another entry for us.
15 years ago
Hi Paul
Thank you for changes. Liking the van better, but need a couple more changes. Number #11 is our favourite from the new designs.
1. Please turn the van around, so facing the other direction.
2. We like the style of writing but is it possible to make the 'oz' bigger.
3. A couple of the team would like to see it with an aussie style hat with corks - perhaps one with, and one without.
4. Maybe making the hand look like it's waving would be good too.
5. Tyre colour darker or different
6. Tweak the face a little so it's smiling more or talking, as ultimately it will be providing messages to the target audience (talking)
Thank you for putting in more entries, we look forward to your next offering, as you are on the right track.
15 years ago
Thanks for the new designs. Still liking the hands more of #11 than #33 - like one up and one down. Like th styel van of #33 much better, but needs to be bigger and keep the kind of face you had on #11 as that is what attracted us to your designs, but needs to have a mouth that is open if possible. Lets forget about the hat. Like the font you have used and the colour of the font. If we could just use an '&' symbol so the font size could increase.
Thanks again for your new offering.
15 years ago
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