A few variations in colour for the first concept #11 #12 #13 A capital G with the "r" within #14 #15 #16 #17 Another concept, GALES written with Stenography Keys #19 #19 and #20, show GALES appearing as how they would on a Stenography keyboard.
Really like #18, but I think the word Reporting should be the color of the keys or a dark black. It's just hard to read the way it is. Maybe even a variation of black keys just to see what that would look like. Thanks.
You are welcome. Thank you for the rank, and whatever decision you make, I hope you will be very happy with it. Thanks for the good feedback throughout.
Design #70 came in too late to request any changes, but I really like it. If I choose it as my winner, are you willing to work on tweaking it a bit before it's final? For instance, I think the font used in Gales is a bit too big, and I'd like to see the key on the left without the G in it.
Sure I'd definitely be willing to tweak it as you desire, thats not a problem at all. My aim is to ensure you have a logo that you are totally pleased with, so whatever tweak you desire, just name it.