Future Child AdvocatesLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Future Child Advocates

Future Child Advocates has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 198 designs from 17 different designers from around the world.


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Thank you for joining in with your ideas. Liked the coming together of the words, using color to place emphasis...Future Advocates of Children is what we read when we first looked at it...which is the idea. Looking for more Abstract and Pictorial Mark types of icons...simple and contemporary design given ages of college students we want to attract to get involved.
9 years ago
Any thoughts about highlighting those stars in the window to a different color....to separate somehow?
9 years ago
Hi...We were very interested with the logo design you presented us, but you have not responded at all to our thoughts about editing as in above comment. Perhaps you are not interested? Thanks
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, We live in different timezones, thats why I didn't respond right away but of course I'm very interested in developing this design.
Thank you so much for feedback. I will upload revisions very soon today.
Best regards
9 years ago
Good Morning in our world! We understood you lived in a different time zone. Glad you submitted. We are interested in the first design you submitted - window theme - and will be discussing this idea Monday. Rather than colors you chose for stars, we were thinking about a new color like yellow for stars. Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks
9 years ago
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