Like #39 and #40. Think #40 has the edge. Font is a little heavy for me, and would prefer to see the greens used as in the new site design (see the attached file in the project design)
Love #55 and #56. We will mostly use on white, but some places on dark grey, so awesome to see.
Big improvements on the fonts. Almost perfect now. Just the sub text looks like it has too much space between the last letter and the bottom of the q (probably just me starting to nit pick)
Would be great to see this logo with a reflection instead of a shaddow underneath (and maybe reflect the text too)
Love #69, looking really good. Would like to the the reflection not so strong on the text (logo is fine).
Without the text reflection looks like it is missing something, with it looks a little distracting. Hopefully making it fainter will be a perfect balance.