We really like #23. No ideas at this time for tweaks. We also like #22 (in truth it is likely our second favorite). Can we try a different font and layout?
Dasx, Sorry! I thought I posted something but is must not have gone through...
We are pretty evenly divided here on the top 3 logos, you could just as easily be ranked 1. Your design, is the most eye catching. Our issue is that it doesn't directly relate to our name or to our business (modern home construction). We believe the design is like a topographic map or a fingerprint, which could work...
#148 has a door (construction) #109 has a clean modern look that relates to our name with the F and M #23 (yours) has the most interesting design for a T-shirt or sign but doesn't scream construction or "fuse modern"
If there is a way to keep the basic pattern but relate it to our name or trade, I think it would solve the only complaint of the design!