I like 116 and 144, but don't think they are quite there. Instead of a white border of the lettering can you change it to black. Can you distinguish the Wares from the Fun more? In 144 how does the angel look in white instead of lavinder? Can you play with the font for a "slicker look" like the 4th ranked?
I like 171, but not the yellow or on a shaded background. Can you make the Wares a shade darker red and go back to the purple in 147 for the fun....then I think we should be close to done. Can you email me at jeffdarnell@blazenetwork.com when you post so I can get you feedback quickly? Thanks!!
#174 is just a new idea, was playing around with a curve in the background.
Wasn't sure what you meant about the yellow, whether you wanted the fun to be yellow and red or just yellow with the wares in deeper red so I have done designs #172#173
Don't know if you had noticed the difference in the F in #170 if you want that in the design just say so.
With #175 do you want the black outlines with yellow inside outlines?