I haven't been really excited about any of the logos yet and I realize that I haven't given a solid direction so I sat down and really nailed down what we're looking for. We want something unique and original and versatile.
We're also in the process of choosing a website template so that will influence the design we choose as well. Here is the website theme we like the most right now.
http://themeforest.net/item/fixy-a-simple-sexy-wordpress-theme/full_screen_preview/6544567 The theme incorporates a bike but you don't have to go with the bike. You can come up with something else that shows fun or awesome.
We don't have a mascot or icon of any sort but we came up with some ideas. I sketched some up so use these for inspiration or take one and go with it.
http://funawesome.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/funawesome-logo.jpegUltimately we want a logo that stands alone without the text but the option to have the text as well.