FulcrumLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Fulcrum Fulcrum has selected their winning logo design. For $350 they received 252 designs from 39 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by bluejet Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn New #57 Withdrawn New #44 Withdrawn New #56 Discussion bluejet Logo Designer Hi Phil.clean, modern double F icon(This comment references Entry #44) 15 years ago fulcrum Client #44 I like this a lot except the I would like to see the negative space in the two Fs be, or do, something. It kind of looks like two boxes now or two text boxes. What do you think.Very handsome and clean, thanks!Philip 15 years ago bluejet Logo Designer new variation with people element added(This comment references Entry #56) 15 years ago bluejet Logo Designer another variation also symbolising growth, the F could also be hands reaching(This comment references Entry #57) 15 years ago fulcrum Client #57 is intriguing, like two hands. I will definitely get feedback on this tomorrow at staff meeting. Thanks! 15 years ago fulcrum Client Team likes the polish and quality of graphics but don't see the slam dunk yet. Like the F angle and #44 best. Thank you!Philip 15 years ago