Lippman LawLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Lippman Law
Lippman Law has selected their winning logo design.
For $875 they received 991 designs
from 171 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Trust is the key word that drives our business. Sure, experience, knowledge, efficiency, expertise, and leadership are part of the brand, but if we boil it down to one feeling, Trust is the key.
Our logo must capture that feeling in the design.
As far as the design, no legal clichés please. The first thing to remember is our business is real estate law – we are a law firm. With that in mind, let’s explore serif fonts: Baskerville, Georgia, Century Schoolbook, Garamond, and Times New Roman and its alternatives, such as Equity and Verdigris.
These fonts are traditional and communicate trust, tradition, and strength – spot on for our brand. We are attracting professionals, property managers, property owners, and other attorneys.
The second thing to remember is the fact that all logos must include an icon that can be used as a favicon. Could be as simple as a treatment of the letter “L” or “LL” - we would also consider a more complex icon as long as it is not a legal cliché.
Our logo must capture that feeling in the design.
As far as the design, no legal clichés please. The first thing to remember is our business is real estate law – we are a law firm. With that in mind, let’s explore serif fonts: Baskerville, Georgia, Century Schoolbook, Garamond, and Times New Roman and its alternatives, such as Equity and Verdigris.
These fonts are traditional and communicate trust, tradition, and strength – spot on for our brand. We are attracting professionals, property managers, property owners, and other attorneys.
The second thing to remember is the fact that all logos must include an icon that can be used as a favicon. Could be as simple as a treatment of the letter “L” or “LL” - we would also consider a more complex icon as long as it is not a legal cliché.
Color Preferences
Open to accent colors, but blue and black
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I dont want to see cliche legal images. Keep the icon simple and unique, that should be the goal. The name of the company is Lippman Law so let's focus on using L or LL as an icon. Lippman Law can appear below or next to the icon but we need a symbol that can work on social media - a favicon. Also, note up until now we have used "columns" or pillars in our logo and may want to see something that incorporates that or takes it 2.0 as an idea.
Style Inspiration