I like the idea but the text is a little hard to read. #49 and 50 are my favorites of those listed. Could you make #49's circle a little larger and increase the character spacing on the font?
I didn't really understand that either because after the open phase was complete I still had new designers submit. I posted a question to customer service but haven't heard back. I apologize if I misunderstood.
Yes, there is. The reason is there are more new designers that probationary, means that the logotournament administrator needs to check and approve their entries until their reach at least 20 entries before they'll become verified member of LogoTournament or being suspended according to their performance. They have already submitted before the open phase is complete, and after a few hours, their designs will be show up from the contest they've joined. That's what happen to me. After the open phase, there is Top 5 that only allowed to submit their revisions, and from 6th to the last, no chance for submitting unless their rank changed from 1st to 5th.