Love the colors and the design of #25! Like the frog imposed on tennis. Can i see a version where Friendly is in Green? Also - i see the tennis ball - can we add a slight reference to swim somehow - THANKS - looks great!
On #58 - can I see where Friendly is the darker green? And can I then see a version or 25 with a different smaller frog? - or maybe same frog just contained more in the circle? And maybe a one color instead two color frog? Thanks - we really love your design!
Thanks! I think we are good on versions of 25 - black and white is nice and clear. Now several of our folks really like 27, but don't care for that frog - too muppet like. COuld you put another frog in there so we can see that? Thanks again...
Thank you for these great changes - we have narrowed it down to 2 choices - of which yours is one! We will have a decision by early next week. Thanks again for all the hard work!
Hello! I'm not sure I'm doing this right so I'm sorry if I'm not. We have selected #60 as the winner, have a few wording variations we'd like to see before settling on one. I believe I understand I need to request revisions before officially selecting you as the winner. So, here are thee variations we'd like to see:
1. As is - with Swim and Tennis under the blue line 2. Add Park to Friendly so it reads "Friendly Park" on first line and "Swim and Tennis" on second line in smaller type 3. Replace Park Pool with Swim and Tennis - so it reads - Friendly Swim and Tennis 4. Leave Friendly as it is and on smaller second line have "Park Pool and Tennis
I'm fine with an ampersand if you think that will look better. We love the design and the font, at this point it is just the wording configuration - THANK YOU!
Thanks for your hard work! WE love our new logo. We did select 91 - will I get an email with the all the files? We need a full color version, a black and white version. Also need to make sure we have one that can be uploaded to a web site. Thanks!