Can you show us how you would incorporate our current FKG logo (located top left of as it would on the top of a newsletter/email for Entries 190, 192 and 269? It doesn't need to be prominent, but we'd like to see how you might envision that. Thanks!
Thanks for incorporating our FKG logo into the new designs. We're looking to have that logo less prominent than the logo for The Skinny so could we see some of the concepts you did changed to have the FKG smaller? Thanks
Could we please see #304 with a white background and lettering the same color as that of #302? Also could you make the FKG logo a bit smaller in the same location as it is now on 304. The only part of that logo that needs to be readable is are the letters FKG. Waiting a revised design from the current #1 and as soon as we get that back we will move you there so you can show us that change. Thanks for your work so far!
am very sory to disturb you. I have already done all amendment but unfortunately the contest has reach on a Judging mode, so only the 1st ranking can submit new entries, am very sorry.