Thank you for the invitation and compliment...This is a very intriguing contest and I have once again pulled out all the stop on this one. I gave the flip letter 'i" about 10 second thought very a typical. However I did read an article a couple of days ago about how typeface can be made to to resents an idea or emotion....That article was a boot in the butt because I was looking for a simple idea that would convey exactly the term "FreudianFlip" the tage line was key in developing this idea and to me needs to be the fore front ...
the reason why I chose to reverse the company name and reverse the reflection is exactly the idea for "change the way you think". which is how I do approach design work...Yopu also notice that the certain letters are singled out be a different colour the "F" from Freudian is green which couple with "LIP" The idea here is to extend the word flip once again "flip being the power word and re-enforces the tagline
Hi there - I actually really love the idea of this logo. The whole logo sort of makes you change the way you think, doesn't it? I think it is worth playing around with some more because it is really smart on a number of levels. My only concern is that at first glance I thought it looked confusing and jumbled - I didn't instantly grasp the words Freudian Flip. I think this issue might be solved with a different way of doing the colors. The grey on the mirror image is really, really light on my monitor so it's hard to see that part. Also, there may be a way to keep this same idea and yet switch the side of the mirror using the color (e.g., flip the image so you read Freudian Flip in color the right way and the upside down image is in grey).
I love how thoughtful this design is! I also really like the green and blue colors you've chosen. It looks more fresh. Keep playing around with it?
this was my first version which I did not post, it concentrates on the word Flip, which I believe is the keyword. The word flip is now elongated(stretched) to encompass Freudian)
I'm loving your designs! #141 cracks me up and looks great. I'll spend a little more time in an hour or two thinking a bit more about it and providing some additional feedback. I love your creativity with this logo! :-)
Hi there - I'm looking at #137 and #145 again. I love the colors and color gradient in #145. #3137 appeals to me because it's simple and elegant. I like the head graphic, though I have been trying to stay away from having a graphic separate from the logo (my preference would be a really strong wordmark). Is there any way to take the ideas/colors from #137 and #145 and make it just slightly more playful? Ideally I'd like something that is strong, bold and has a hint of playfulness. I think you actually accomplished this beautifully with #140 and #141 (I think the yellow color adds a lot of brightness that makes it look at bit more playful). Can you think of a smart way to incorporate more of a graphic into to the lettering so it's not a separate element?
update as a word mark..the tagline had to be move just to small to be grey matter hahahahaa
the stylized letter "A" is also a stand alone mark which is extremely eye catching and is perfect for T's, coffee mugs..I know I'd order one. also watermarking presentations, photos etc etc...this is a solid design with so many applications all rolled up into one package...
Thanks for trying it out in green. It's a good comparison. This logo is really growing on me. I really, really like it. A couple of things to ponder:
-probably 60-70% of our audience will be women -we will likely use multiple taglines with this name. A few of my other favorite taglines are: -Break on through to the other side -Less Talk, More Results -How Happiness Happens -Feel years better in minutes
Does this logo work with that additional information? Or are there some minor tweaks to make in style/color based on that info? Is there a way to get it to look 5% more feminine?
Also, the website and videos are going to have a very look/feel. A good example of the video style we are using for nearly all of the video content is the new commercials, and
The branding idea is to be clean, focus on the people, rooted in science and yet have a playful, approachable feeling. Your designs I think really tap into what we are trying to do. You might find it interesting to look at the color palette again based on that info. :-)
We have several option, firs tis I make the face more feminine without being girly...the second is what I have posted..and that is keep the stylized letter "a" as an "a" with the cap off.
your thoughts
I'll keep the current colours we can change at anytime
I kind of liked the face idea and would be interested to see what that might look like if it were a bit more feminine. The colors might be a simple thing to change to make it a bit more feminine looking. There could also be something cute we do with one of the letters like the F or p - just to give it a slightly softer feel. I don't think it needs much - like 5%. :-)
this one is just freaky the dot above the letter "i" bounced into the letter "a" (head) now it actually creates an eye..which can be animated for website....
My thoughts, your name is solid and memorable, the same needs to apply to the deisgn....I can understaqnd you need to have simple but people are savy and those using your service even the design needs to convey aaah I see that interpretation. Alsoo needs to be fun and inspirational to your clients. there is alot of potential for my deisng from branding to even a animated sequence for web....or flash puzzle game of some sort or another..(I'm just think out loud here)