I like the dog in #11 and #10. I like the text effect on #5, but not the halo background and centered. Can you move the dog #10 dog off to the left of #5 and remove the halo. And maybe try a few shades for the text. A light green or a brown.
On all your dog pics, can you round the ears a bit more. Pointed ears make him look like a boston terrier. On #29 can you move the dog to the left of the text and maybe give him a body. I like the text effect alot.
Good job. On 51 can you make the dog a little skinnier. And maybe try one with the dog looking off to the right or left. Not straight. We like 11 too. Can you make that so the dog is looking to the let or right.
Hi, #11 with the dog looking left or right (like #5) and perhaps with one paw on the logo sign.Could we try block letters for FRESH and the script for By Jeri? Thanks!
On #11 can you make the green banner with the words a little wider. Keep the dog the same size. And sincce it will be wider, offset the "by Jeri" to the left. Lower case "by".