Freeway FoodiesLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Freeway Foodies

Freeway Foodies has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 73 designs from 9 different designers from around the world.
















Logo Designer
#28, #29, #30


Please let me know if you'd like any revisions. I'd be happy to change whatever you'd want and resubmit my designs.

Thanks for the invitation!

10 years ago
Hi Rapunzel!

Thanks so much for these awesome entries.

We love #29 the most because it looks like the RV is on the road and driving into the skyline. GREAT!

Could you please add our slogan to design #29?

"Freaky Food-n-Fun from a Fifth Wheel"

Thanks and we look forward to seeing the slogan added.

10 years ago
Hi Rapunzel!

Thank you so much for adding the slogan.

We like it added to the logo, but after seeing it in design #40, what do you think of putting the slogan in a curved shape on the left and right sides of the logo? So, in other words, on the left in vertical curved text would be "Freaky Food-n-Fun". But then on the right in vertical curved text would be "From a Fifth Wheel".

Could you try doing this and add it as another design option? The pink theatrical face might be in the way of the right side curved slogan text, but if you want to hug it in closer, that's okay with us.

Thanks so much for working on a Sunday and making these revisions!

Caroline :-)
10 years ago
OMG! Just noticed the chef in the back window! TOTALLY LOVE IT! Thanks for adding that element. You're so clever! :-)
10 years ago

Just one more thing...

Could you come up with something else to put on the back spare tire holder of the trailer? Perhaps just FF for Foodie Freaks instead of the green leaves? Or... if you think of anything else clever show us that/those idea(s) too.

Thank you!

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Caroline,

Thanks so much for the feedback. I'm glad you like my design. I'll make the revisions you requested and submit more options as soon as I get them done.

Thanks again!

10 years ago
Thank you Pam! We really appreciate it!

Caroline :-)
10 years ago
Hi Pam,

OMG! You out-did yourself! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, new design #42. You have inspired us to focus on this entry for sure!

So, here are a few updates if you are willing to do them for us...

FIRST... Could you bring some more "presence" to the pink Freeway and the Green Foodies text in this new design (#42)? The reason why we ask is that the new yellow circle around the logo (LOVE IT by the way) is the same texture and feel as the letters of of the Freeway Foodies words. Freeway Foodies needs to "pop off" that yellow circle as if these words are sitting on top of the yellow circle (layered feeling). Could you give some "bling" to Freeway in pink and Foodies in green? Some of the other designs in the top 5 have a stroke and a highlight in them and we really like that for the words Freeway Foodies. These effects make them stand out more. Thanks!

SECOND... The yellow ring you added might be a touch too bold under the bottle, musical notes, paper, and other elements that are in its path. Perhaps a VERY SLIGHT opaque effect on that yellow ring might help it to feel more background? Could you try this so we can give it a look? Thanks!

ONE LAST THING... We love the FF letters on the spare tire holder on the back of the trailer, but could you make them a color in the purple family instead of green as they are now? A purple color (like a lavender fill with a dark purple stroke) will pull in some of that purple color you added in with the slogan text that's in purple too. We love that you chose purple for the slogan text. It really adds to the logo!

We hope we aren't driving you crazy, but your design is truly one of our favorites, so we just want it to perfect!

Thanks again for your hard work and creativity! This logo is on FIRE!!!

Caroline :-)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Yay! So glad you like!

I'll definitely make the changes you asked for. In the meantime, I'll be uploading a variation that I've been working on this afternoon. But I will definitely do one with the revisions you asked for.

Thanks in advance for your patience!

10 years ago
We totally LOVE (not like) your design! It's playful and whimsical, and colorful... just like we asked for. You're so easy and fun to work with!

Can't wait to see the variation you've been working on. So exciting!

Thanks for taking the time to address the revisions we asked for. Looking forward to seeing those updates too.

With Gratitude...

Caroline and the Foodie Freaks Team
10 years ago
Logo Designer

Hi Caroline,

Here's the variation I've been working on this afternoon. While I was finishing it, I made the changes on this one that you were requesting for #42. Now I'll make the changes on #42.


10 years ago
Hi Pam,

#43 is over the top COOL! We love the "tilt" you added! Makes it even more whimsical!

Could you add in some dotted lines on the road (like this - - - - - -) that the trailer is traveling on? We think that will tie it all together.

LOVE the changes you added to this new design that we requested for #42! Looking forward to seeing them in 42.


Caroline :-)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#50 & #51

Hi Caroline,

Here you are! #50 is the revision of #42. I changed the FF to lavender/dark purple, lightened the yellow ring, and I pumped up the words "FREEWAY FOODIES". I addition, I added the dashed freeway lines to the road.

#51 - is the same as #42, with the addition of the dashed lines on the road.

If you have any other changes you'd like implemented, please ask.

Thanks so much for your interest!

10 years ago
Logo Designer
#52 - a variation of #51, except reduced size of vehicle slightly to move it down the road a bit, and moved several of the icons. :)
10 years ago
Hi Pam,

We love the breathing room that you created with #52! This is the PERFECT logo and no other revisions are needed.

I am in LOVE with this logo! I am not the only one voting, but I am sure pulling for you and I personally want to thank you for doing so much work on this for us. It really came together perfectly!

Now it's moving on to decision time. This is going to be SO DIFFICULT! Hang in there with us!

Have a wonderful day and I know we will be in touch. You're a gifted artist!

Caroline :-)
10 years ago
Hi Pam,

We have two revisions to design #52 that we'd like to ask you to do. Hope that's okay! They are not major though and we have TWO ideas...

1) Could you put the two theatrical faces paired together - sort of staggered, yet next each other as they are pictured here...

Dang that link is LONG! Sorry! You can make the back face (the blue one) with a frown BEHIND the pink face that is smiling. We want the pink smiling face in the foreground. You can reduce the sizes of the faces as needed to fit them both on the right side of the logo where the pink face is now.

2) In place of the removed BLUE FACE on the left in the logo, could you either draw a small TV set or even an iPad (go with the iPad because that's more modern and more our format) because the only element we are missing from your logo is TV/Internet TV (like You Tube). We are going to be doing a lot of videos and vlogging, so we need to add this element. Also, if you could put a red play arrow on the tablet/iPad display that would be great. We know that another designer did this, so if we choose you as the winner, you could add it just before you send the files if you feel it's stealing his red play arrow idea. If it's on an iPad though, it would be different because his design has it on a TV set. Use your best judgement. I think he may have taken your idea of the theatrical faces and added them to his logo, so you probably would be even if you borrowed his red play arrow idea! :-)

3) Another option is to take out the orange bottle on the left of the logo altogether and put a TV set or a tablet with the RED PLAY ARROW pictured on the tablet (probably a tablet/iPad is most suited for us) and then you can just keep the 2 theatrical faces where they are.

We'd love to see BOTH ideas.

4) If you could change the GREEN color of the word FOODIES in the logo at the bottom to the same blue as the blue theatrical face, we'd like to see that blue color option.

Thanks so much and we can't wait to see these revisions!

Caroline :-)
10 years ago
Hi Pam,

Just wanted to give you some feedback from one of our staff members who really loves your logo..

I Love #52; it's so whimsical and happy. I just wish it was a bit sharper, like 46 or 53, so that the text, especially, pops out a bit more. When I picture you driving down the road and across the country, that logo is what I see.

Is there any way to add more depth and pop to the whole design as our staff member Steve referred to? We are not sure if this is a kind of Photoshop trick (sharpen? emboss?), but it is present in the other Top 5 designs and we hope that you can polish up #52? It needs some zing!

Thanks so much!

Caroline :-)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi caroline,

Just got home from work. I'll start on your revisions and submit before the contest goes into judging. Thanks so much!

10 years ago
Thanks for fitting us in, Pam! Hope you had a great day at work!

Caroline :-)
10 years ago
Hi Pam,

We LOVE the blue Foodies color instead of the green and the POP POW you gave to the whole design is AWESOME! JUST what we were looking for!

So, upon looking at the added iPad, which is totally great by the way... would you be open to putting the theatrical faces BACK WHERE THEY WERE (on separate sides of the logo cuz it looks too crowded now with both on one side... sorry... our bad), and then would you TAKE OUT the orange bottle, putting the iPad in its place?

We've just got a bit of time left, so we understand if you can't do it, but we hope you can!

Caroline :-)

10 years ago
Oh, and ONE MORE THING... Oh my God.. you are going to hate us over here, but we have a lot of minds working over here.

Could you make the trailer a more light beige color rather than so yellow. It has a school bus feel to it.


Caroline :-)
10 years ago
Hi Pam,

We see that you had some new ideas with entry #70. VERY INTERESTING! Now you have us totally confused, but in a good way! :-)

Could we see the following revisions to entry #69?...

1) Could you make the trailer a more light beige color rather than so yellow. It has a school bus feel to it.

2) Would you be open to putting the theatrical faces BACK WHERE THEY ORIGINALLY WERE (on separate sides of the logo cuz it looks too crowded now with both on one side... sorry... our bad)

3) Would you then TAKE OUT the orange bottle, putting the iPad in its place?

We definitely like Freeway on TOP of the logo and Foodies on the bottom because it draws your eye to scan over the whole logo, where with both words at the bottom, it doesn't have that effect.


Caroline :-)
10 years ago
OKay... We are down to the wire here, but we still have time!

#71 is THE ONE, but if we can get the trailer to be more of a light beige color rather than yellow, that is the LAST revision and we will put you in first place!


Caroline :-)
10 years ago
Hi Pam,

Now that we have driven you absolutely crazy with our revisions, we have just ranked you #1 so that we can do the ONE LAST revision request of making the trailer more of a light beige color rather than yellow, which can take place during your judging phase. Congrats! You're our WINNER!

With Gratitude,

Caroline :-)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Wow - thanks! I've just been working away and just now saw your last request. I'll change the trailer color ASAP.
10 years ago
HI Pam,

You're our WINNER! YAY! :-)

Now we can take a breather and you can change the color of the trailer in the morning after you get some sleep! Once you do that and we don't see anything else to change... we can just end the contest early and call you the winner!

Thanks for the new designs. We can really see your creativity at its peak. GREAT WORK!

Looking forward to working with you over the next 24 hours, but we don't see that we need but just the trailer color changed.

Sweet dreams and thanks for an AWESOME logo!

Caroline :-)
10 years ago
Logo Designer

Hi Caroline!

I revised the bus color, taking out some of the yellow. Is it beige enough or do I need to revise it more? Just let me know.

Thank you so very much for choosing my design! You've been a lot of fun, really great to work with!

Pam :)
10 years ago
Hi Pam,

The trailer color is PERFECT! Just enough beige/yellow. Couldn't be better.

Congrats on being #1. It was a BLAST to work with you too! Thank you for everything you did for us to make this an amazing experience with an amazing outcome.

We went ahead and chose you as the winner and ended the contest early. No need to prolong the inevitable! :-)

Let's get some rest and reconnect tomorrow to exchange the files. We will need .EPS and .PSD files (please don't merge the layers so that we can add something or change colors or use design elements in this logo for other Freeway Foodie projects and for branding continuity).

Thanks so much and we will talk to you tomorrow!

Caroline :-)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank You again! Until tomorrow….

10 years ago
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