Here is my first entry for your project. Something simple yet appealing and professional. The image portrays a military rank/insignia as well as a toga hat.
This design works great in any color and in black & white. It also scales pretty well.
Looking forward to your feedback. Thanks and have a nice day!
Here is a variation of my first entry with more emphasis on the image. Besides the military rank insignia and the toga hat, it also shows a moving arrow that goes/points directly to the toga hat to symbolize geting an education or a higher one.
Great job, Blue! We really like #s 3 & 4. Could we try an additional variation? Using the toga hat as you already have, instead of the military stripes underneath, create something with the hat that indicates money/$$$. What is "FREE" to these military guys and gals is actually the money they'll receive, which in turn, will be applied toward their education.
Also, let's get rid of the exclamation point (!) at the end of the tag line, and just use a period. Please make this change on #s 3 & 4 as well.
Thanks, and looking forward to seeing your next proof!
Hi again! Blue, in case you didn't see the comment I just added to the brief, my client has decided that he likes the touch of gold used in #3, as well as the exact, colors of green that are used. Perhaps a variation of this... cap tilted to the left of the gold... star changed to "$$$" sign or signs... or, another variation of the above? We want to keep this clean and simple, though!!!
And AGAIN... GREAT WORK!!! Can't wait to see your additional revisions. :-)
Hi, Blue! I still like this one, #3 the best, but my client is not in agreement. Let's try this: on entry #3, Change the tag line underneath to black, and italicize it.