I know we have asked a lot, but could we possibly see #33 with the FreelanceForMe written in the same font as #18 with Freelance in the green and ForMe in the blue. The Work Smarter not harder left in the font already in use in #33. Could we also have the image to the left of the text moved slightly further away from the text.
I have noticed some of these images have either a gray or gradient background. Could we also see this one with a plain white background.
In #143, Could you please 1. move the picture a little to the left, 2. move the work smarter line down a little and 3. change it to read "Work Smarter, not harder" and 4. make it clearer and more defined like in #80 - the size of all text (in relation to the picture) could be increased just a fraction if needed 5. show us a version without the shadows in the picture